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Questions tagged [earth]

Earth is the planet on which we live, the 3rd planet from the Sun. Questions using this tag should be about Earth the planet and not Earth-like planets nor earth, as in dirt or soil.

105 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What if you ejected a cone of material from the Earth out into space?

For calculation purposes, let's say it's a cone with cone angle (at Earth's center) of 30 degrees, that extends down to the outer surface of Earth's solid inner core, and the entire mass is ejected ...
Rabadash8820's user avatar
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Can a pendulum at resting equilibrium position still demonstrate the Earth's rotation?

I conducted an experiment in my youth, creating a 'sand pendulum' hanging from the bedroom ceiling to a bowl of flour. I did not set the pendulum into motion, but rather wanted to see if the force of ...
Conor Murray's user avatar
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Estimating the Pressure of Earth's Center

The pressure of a medium of density $\rho$ and in a graviational field with strength $g$ at a depth of $z+dz$ is equal to the pressure at $z$ plus the pressure caused by the weight of a slab of volume ...
Alex S's user avatar
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Will a man acquire orbit if we suppose Earth is rotating fast enough?

if we consider that the rotation of earth is mush faster (30000km/h), so if a man standing on earth jumps 1 meter above will it acquire orbit if we ignore atmospheric friction
Tapan Gupta's user avatar
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Are there any types of winds or waves that are produced just by Earth's rotation?

Are there any types of wind or waves caused/produced only and exclusively by Earth's rotation? Not influenced by Earth rotation, but produced solely by it? In the case of waves, are Rossby waves 1 and ...
vengaq's user avatar
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Why do seismic P waves convert to S waves at an interface?

Why does a P wave refract and become an S wave when it hits an interface? What is the mechanism behind this? If P waves are longitudinal and S waves are transverse, how can this change occur?
Hachi And Me's user avatar
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Building orientation - how come both summer and winter solstice used for a facade?

I am planning to build a shed atop my terrace. I was analyzing the sun path to determine the overhang length, facade height etc, but got stuck with a conflict as below. The summer sun's location peaks ...
Parthiban Rajendran's user avatar
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How can we feel Earth magnetic field if we are rotating with it?

I know Earth have molten iron core and we should feel a magnetic force if we are stationary while Earth is spinning. But I'm curious how it is we can feel north and south poles so distinctly while we ...
user6760's user avatar
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Which location on Earth has the strongest deviation from the vertical due to gravity?

So, I've recently learned about the Schiehallion experiment, performed in 1774, where scientists detected the deviation from the vertical of a plumb due to the gravitational attraction of a single ...
Swike's user avatar
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Can Earth's Magnetic Field Be as Less as -85μT and as Much as +70.46μT?

What did create the question? I was analyzing a data set where the researchers have used objective data. They have calculated earth's magnetic field through sensors and that research was conducted in ...
Md Sabbir Ahmed's user avatar
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Ocean warming by induced electric current for wandering magnetic poles?

In a post on the co-rotation of Earth and its magnetic field (Does the geomagnetic field rotate?), John Rennie raised the point that, if Earth's magnetic field were rotating about its dipole axis, it ...
Martino's user avatar
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Being the Earth modelized as a big magnet (or solenoid), which would be the field intensity of such a model inside the solenoid or magnet axis?

This question has arisen from the Carl Friedrich Gauss’ statement that the Earth could be modeled, concerning his calculations about the earth’s magnetic potential, as a big magnet, himself having ...
CaptainKermadec's user avatar
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How has the Earth's air pressure varied over geological time scales?

It is estimated that the Earth is losing about $5 \times 10^7 kg$ per year. Most of it due to hydrogen loss. I suppose this has an impact on the pressure of the atmosphere in general. Thus, I am ...
untreated_paramediensis_karnik's user avatar
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How long would rising hot air from a 15,000 meter (49,000 ft) hole in the earth's surface stay warm for?

The deepest hole drilled in the earth is the Kora Borehole. At 15,000 meters (49,000 ft), the temperature was projected to reach 570 degrees F (299°C), so drilling was abandoned. My question is, if ...
user181797's user avatar
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Velocity Profile of the Upper Atmosphere

Consider an Earth-Centered Inertial (ECI) frame in which the tangential (to Earth's surface) velocity is measured. Now consider obtaining constant average velocity profiles of the atmosphere as a ...
JMJ's user avatar
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Maximum temperature possible on earth

What is maximum temperature that can we have on earth on a single day? Lets say an air mass is static over an area and there is no way for air mass to move, sun warming it up would increase ...
uncia's user avatar
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Different time between equinoxes

I calculated from here that there are 16 104 096 seconds between the vernal and autumnal equinox, if I made no mistake, this is some 650 592 s longer than the other half orbit. I imagine this is due ...
user avatar
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Is there a resonance within the earth, separate from the Schuman resonance?

In a very recent biography of Nikola Tesla by Bernard Carlson, the author explains that Tesla measured the resonant frequency of the earth using his invention - the amplifying transmitter. Tesla came ...
docscience's user avatar
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How did the Moon survive next to the Earth since earth and Moon came into existence?

What mechanism(s) prevented the gravitational effect of the earth on the moon from shattering the moon when it was closer to the earth than the Roche Limit some 4.5 billion years ago?
Ignor Ramus's user avatar
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Terrestrial Space Elevator Construction - Plausability

Framework If there was a cable constructed at the equator about the circumference of the Earth, and if this cable had sufficient strength to remain intact while erect, call this tensile strength T. ...
Lucas Darroch's user avatar
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Could there be a planet just as the Earth, but bigger?

Could there be a planet twice or thrice the size of Earth but while being the same? and by the same I mean, hosting the same life as Earth, having a day last 24 hours and a year 365 days. Basically, ...
IamVeryCuriousIndeed's user avatar
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Could water physically makeup the core of a planet or otherwise large celestial mass?

Knowing very little about the nature of water, wondering how it might behave at the centre of a planet or centre of an another massive gravitational body. Could water take such pressures or might it ...
irth's user avatar
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Computing Latitude Given Quiescent Gyroscope Data

Suppose I place a gyroscope in a theoretically perfectly quiescent, closed room. Let its output be given as a vector ${\bf v} = (v_x, v_y, v_z)$ indicating rate of rotation around three orthogonal ...
Orangutango's user avatar
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Do frame dragging affects falling object?

Imagine there is a tall tower erected at the equator, a pulse of light is beamed from the top of the tower to the ground. Do I need to consider frame dragging? After all the spacetime is being tucked ...
user6760's user avatar
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Coriolis force relation to wind velocity

I'm learning coriolis effect on Winds moving from equator towards North pole. This is for geography. Question: Why is coriolis force stronger for winds having larger speed(larger component of ...
Nikhil Aradhya's user avatar
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Orbital obliquity of the Earth

Consider that we have all the orbital parameters that characterize the Earth. How would one calculate the orbital obliquity of Earth? One could argue that since the rotation of Earth doesn't change ...
RKerr's user avatar
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When I see a rainbow in the sky, is the full EM spectrum included? does it form a disc and not just a circular arc?

If you could actually see every part of the EM spectrum from a rainbow, would the circle be completely filled in? and would it also extend further outwards from the visible spectrum?
Franklin Montez's user avatar
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Is there a distortion of Earth's electric field by high objects, especially man-made?

Recently I've read one of Dr. Feynman's lectures about storms and lightnings. This one to be exact: There he said, that human has the same charge as ...
realGuybrush's user avatar
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How do surface temperatures drop in response to optical depth?

I'm trying to come up with a super simple estimate for how atmospheric surface temperatures would be affected by a substance overhead with some optical depth $\tau$. I'll assume that the sun is always ...
pretzlstyle's user avatar
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Earth magnetic field, WMM/IGRF

I am studying about World Magnetic Model (WMM) and International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) models. It is well known that, to a first approximation, earth magnetic field is a field of dipole. ...
Emma Anderson's user avatar

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