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Confusion about contraction and covariant derivatives [closed]

Understanding Contraction and Second Covariant Derivatives in Tensors I am confused about contraction in tensors and the second covariant derivative in tensors. Consider a tensor $T_{\mu\nu}$ and the ...
Yuv Agarwal's user avatar
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How do you differentiate $F^{αβ}$ with respect to $g_{μν}$?

I want to experiment with this relation (from Dirac's "General Theory of Relativity"): $$T^{μν} = -\left(2 \frac{∂L}{∂g_{μν}} + g^{μν} L \right)$$ using the electromagnetic Lagrangian $L = -(...
Khun Chang's user avatar
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Partial derivatives of Christoffel symbols to Covariant derivatives

I wanted to express this thing: $g^{ab}\partial_c\Gamma^c_{ab} - g^{ab}\partial_a\Gamma^c_{cb}$, in terms of a covariant derivative. I figured out that if you swap $a$ and $c$ in the $\partial \Gamma$ ...
Stargazer's user avatar
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Question about the derivative of contravariant momentum 4-vector wrt proper time

I'm confused about an expression I saw without further explanation. It is the total derivative of the contravariant momentum 4-vector wrt proper time: $$\frac{dp^{\mu}}{d\tau}=\frac{d}{d\tau}(g^{\mu\...
Il Guercio's user avatar
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Tensor equation

What is a valid tensor equation. In the book by Bernard Schutz, it is often argued that a valid tensor equation will be frame invariant. So the conclusions reached by relatively easy calculation done ...
Questioningmind's user avatar
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Covariant derivative to the metric determinant?

I am reading the paper Alternatives to dark matter and dark energy, but cannot obtain one specific equation no matter how I tried. So I wrote an email to the author, the following is what he replies ...
user392063's user avatar
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Double covariant derivative of a mixed tensor

Let's say, we have a mixed tensor of type (2,1) denoted by $T^{mn}{}_p$ and the goal is to find the expression of $[\nabla_a, \nabla_b] T^{mn}{}_p$ in terms of fundamental tensors. Firstly, I am ...
raf's user avatar
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Covariant derivative of metric determinant with torsion

I have some troubles taking the covariant derivative of the metric determinant with torsion. Let's suppose that we take a metric such that $\nabla_\mu g_{\nu\rho}=0$. My reasoning is the following. ...
Physics Koan's user avatar
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Tensor Index Manipulation

I am trying to study General Relativity and I thought about starting with some index gymnastics. I found a worksheet online and I am stuck with a simple problem. I have to prove that $$\partial_{\mu} ...
 Paranoid's user avatar
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What is difference between an infinitesimal displacement $dx$ and a basis one-form given by the gradient of a coordinate function?

In general relativity, we introduce the line element as $$ds^2=g_{\mu \nu}dx^{\mu}dx^{\nu}\tag{1}$$ which is used to get the length of a path and $dx$ is an infinitesimal displacement But for a ...
Mahtab's user avatar
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Covariant derivative of the Ricci tensor using pure algebra

I want to differentiate the Ricci tensor covariantly, namely without using Bianchi identities and with pure algebra, I want to prove: $$ D _{\mu} R^{\mu\nu} = {{1}\over{2}} g^{\mu\nu} \partial_{\mu}R $...
vahidseo's user avatar
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What is the difference between $\partial_{\mu}$ and $\partial^{\mu}$? [closed]

I've seen in many books both expressions $\partial_{\mu}$ and $\partial^{\mu}$, which are the covariant and contravariant partial derivatives, respectively, and in one of Susskind's books he defined ...
Antoniou's user avatar
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Confusion on metric determinant derivative

Maybe it is a stupid confusion. I need to compute the derivative of the metric determinant with respect to the metric itself, i.e., $\partial g/\partial g_{\mu\nu}$, but I have an indices confusion in ...
Sonia Llambias's user avatar
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Interpretation of covariant derivative of metric tensor being zero, specific problem on sphere

A question about the covariant derivative of the metric tensor being zero, example: sphere. I understand, that the metric tensor of a (unit-)sphere is calculated via the outer product of the base ...
Fuzzy's user avatar
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Partial derivatives vs Covariant derivatives in polar coordinates

Covariant derivatives take into account for both component and basis changes, thereby applicable for curved spaces - where partial derivatives only take component changes into account - is this ...
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