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Questions tagged [debye-length]

The Debye length is the distance over which significant charge separation can occur in a conductive material or plasma due to a variety of effects.

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Is the Debye Length Meaningful for a Pure Ion Plasma

I'm current working in a research area that is adapting techniques from plasma simulation to simulation spacecraft electric propulsion systems that are not neutralized. Essentially they are pure ion ...
asmith's user avatar
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Why is the plasma density within a Debye sphere at odds with overall plasma density?

A strongly coupled plasma is characterized by the following attributes: higher number density lower particle speeds (lower temperature) smaller Debye length continuous electrostatic influence ...
TrapAlcubierreDrive's user avatar
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Anisotropic screened Coulomb interaction for particles in a plasma

Background (isotropic screening): Consider a quasi neutral plasma. An ion/electron in a dense plasma attracts opposite-charged particles and repels those with the same charge, thereby creating a "...
Quillo's user avatar
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Does Debye shielding occur in non-neutral plasma?

If you have a non-neutral plasma, lets say positive ions, and immerse a negatively charged point source, would that source's field be screened out at large distances? How about if the source was ...
articpenguin's user avatar
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Will there be an electric field near the wall inside a charged conducting sphere full of plasma?

Looking for some intuition on this question: We all learn from Gauss's law that inside a charged conducting spherical shell there should be no electric field. What about if the sphere contains a ...
articpenguin's user avatar
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Poisson equation with vector as an argument of charge density [closed]

I want to solve the Poisson equation with the following charge density: $$ \rho(\vec{r})=q\delta(\vec{r}-\vec{r_i})-q\frac{1}{4\pi r^2_D} \frac{e^{-|\vec{r}-\vec{r_i}|/r_D}}{|\vec{r}-\vec{r_i}|} $$ So ...
peter mafai's user avatar
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Is there any good way to demonstrate Debye plasma shielding in a classroom?

In this age of amazing information exchange, despite loads of glorious YouTube DIY science channels, I haven't seen anyone demonstrate Debye plasma shielding. I can imagine it might be hard to come up ...
articpenguin's user avatar
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Plasma physics when plasma conditions don't apply

I've started to look into the field of plasma physics and I saw that not any gas of charges can be considered a plasma. There are 3 main conditions for something to be considered a plasma if I ...
Ofek Gillon's user avatar
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Why Debye shielding occur in plasma?

Why Debye shielding occur in plasma when we introduce a test charge? Does Debye shielding depends on test charge When it is introduced in plasma?
Garry's user avatar
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Physical meaning of Debye length

In plasma physics, what Debye length should represent in practice? From what I understood it's the maximum characteristic distance within which separate charges can be present in the internal space ...
maru0032's user avatar
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Debye length for a debye shield

I understand debye length and even the concept of debye shielding, but quantitatively I'm a little confused. If the debye shield has a potential of $$\Phi=\frac{q}{4\pi\epsilon_{0}r}\exp\left({\frac{-...
NotSoSN's user avatar
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Can't verify solution to Debye-Huckel equation

In the derivation of Debye length (, the Debye-Huckel equation for a neutral system is $\nabla^2 \Phi(r) = \frac{\Phi(r)}{\lambda_D^2} - \frac{Q \delta^3(\...
David Hansen's user avatar
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Boltzmann distribution of electrons at thermal equilibrium in a plasma

In Chen's Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, it says the following during the discussion of Debye shielding: However the last equation tells me that the electron density $n_e$ will ...
RicardoP's user avatar
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What Debye length should be used in plasma?

In short Which expression should be used: (1) or (2)? At length Definition of the Debye length $r_D$ is following: $$r_D=\left( \sum_{j}\frac{4\pi q_j^2 n_j}{kT_j} \right)^{-\frac{1}{2}}$$ It is ...
Olexot's user avatar
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Why take macroscopic average of electric field over length scale smaller then the Debye length?

In Landau and Lifshitz volume 10 pg117 the authors say that the electric and magnetic fields $\vec E$ and $\vec B$ are averaged over regions "having dimensions large compared with the distances ...
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