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Relation between energy of cosmic inflation and dark energy

Searching for "relation between inflation and dark energy" I found: "The energy scale of inflation is possibly 10^24eV, while the energy scale of dark energy is around 10^-3eV." e....
qatch's user avatar
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If dark energy has constant density, would it still be subject to quantum variations; would increase/decrease be symmetrical, or would one take over?

There are different suggestions, but it stills seems like the basic scenario is for dark energy to have constant density, as a property of space (and as represented by the cosmological constant in ...
Atlantis Vel's user avatar
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Does dark energy get used up in the expansion of the universe?

Now, I am a beginner in Cosmology, so I am not sure if this makes sense. Since the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate, and thus distant objects are also accelerating away. In that sense, ...
hi-bye125's user avatar
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What causes a big rip?

If dark energy has $w<-1$ you get the Big rip scenario, where dark energy becomes more and more powerful until it eventually rips all matter apart. Why does this occur? Why does having $w<-1$ ...
blademan9999's user avatar
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Inflation, dark energy and symmetry breaking

Aside as the inflaton has been hypothesized to have arisen from the breaking of the $SU(5)$ GUT symmetry, could dark energy have arisen as a weaker inflaton from electroweak symmetry breaking?
Raul's user avatar
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The slowing of expansion in the matter dominated era

On all the graphs of the inflation of the universe, the era dominated by matter is slowing the rate of expansion. With an intuitive explanation (for all you science communicators out there) could you ...
Jason Verreault's user avatar
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Why is the quantum vacuum space energy density not measurable?

I'm referring to the vacuum catastrophe unsolved problem where the Plank length quantum calculation of the vacuum space energy density: $$ \rho_{\mathrm{P}}=\sqrt{\frac{c^{14}}{\hbar^2 G^4}} \approx 4....
Markoul11's user avatar
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Is the speed of light $c$ invariant with the vacuum space energy density? [duplicate]

Vacuum space energy density is related to the speed of light in a vacuum $c$ as: $$ \Lambda=8 \pi \rho_{v a c} G / c^4=\kappa \rho_{\text {vac }} $$ where $\rho_{v a c}$ is the vacuum energy density ...
Markoul11's user avatar
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Why in the first Friedmann equation quantity $ρ$ is directly proportional to Hubble's constant despite the fact that gravity counteracts expansion?

Here is the first Friedmann equation: $$H^2 = \left(\frac{\dot a}{a}\right)^2 = \frac{8\pi G}{3}\rho - \frac{kc^2}{a^2} + \frac{\Lambda c^2}{3}$$ We know that matter and energy through gravity slow ...
Amir Hesam Noroozi's user avatar
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Why was more dark energy created during the creation of the Universe than normal energy?

I would like to know if there is an agreed upon explanation within the field of physics as to why more dark energy than normal energy was created during the creation of the Universe. More is unknown ...
WaterSparkle351's user avatar
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So Universe Expansion is accelerating, it already did with the Big Bang, so what came in-between?

So scientists are finding that the Universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. It is said 'Dark Energy' is the cause. Ok. But the Universe expanded at a reaally accelerated rate just after the Big ...
RedMarsBlueMoon's user avatar
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What caused the universe to expand in the epoch right after inflation?

I hope this exact question is not a duplicate. I have looked into some high rated answers/questions, but found no satisfying/understandable answer. This is my current line of throught: In the ...
tobalt's user avatar
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How are Dark Energy and the Inflaton Field related?

My understanding of Inflation Theory: Before $10^{-35}$ seconds the universe began to cool and the Inflaton Field approached a false vacuum. When it reached this false vacuum, there was a constant ...
Knight98's user avatar
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Energy density of a universe with inflation

What is the function discribing the energy density of the universe including inflation and a dark energy dominated phase?
J. H's user avatar
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Gravity against dark energy

If inflation of space makes stars and galaxies move apart from each other and gravity does the oposite, what happen to clusters of galaxies that aten't so close to get no effect of dark energy but ...
Krešimir Bradvica's user avatar

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