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Questions tagged [anderson-localization]

An insulated state in a non-interacting system arising from the destructive interference among multiple-scattering paths in a condensed matter system.

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Anderson localization in the continuum case

I haven't looked into Anderson localization before. A quick review of the available information gives the impression that this phenomenon has mainly been studied for the case of a discrete random ...
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Critical disorder strength for anderson model (for a discrete system) [closed]

I have written the hopping matrix of a lattice in real space (in real space because i have disorder in the system and hence bloch theory is not valid). On-site disorder has been introduced through a ...
Zahid Malik's user avatar
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Anderson localization

Numerically how we can show that states are localized for strong disorder? If I make a 3D plot of E vs IPR vs Disorder and show that for a particular value of disorder, where the IPR is approaching 1 ...
Zahid Malik's user avatar
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How to exactly diagonalize a system with $Z_2\times Z_2$ symmetry?

I am studying the localization protected SPT phase, and try to compute the level spacing ratio of Hamiltonian, $$H=\sum_kJ_kZ_{k-1}X_kZ_{k+1}+\sum_kh_kX_{k}X_{k+1}.$$ We can check that this ...
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