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Questions tagged [algorithms]

For questions about an algorithm as it relates to physics. DO NOT ask how to implement an algorithm, questions like that belong on Stack Overflow or Computational Science. DO NOT ask about the efficiency of an algorithm, or other such questions, questions like that belong on Computational Science.

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Checking inverse metric and Christoffel symbols for the Kerr metric against references

I am trying to cross-check the Christoffel symbols and other very laborious geometric components in several metrics. In particular the Kerr metric is notoriously complex and results in expressions ...
UnkemptPanda's user avatar
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Force-simulation for graph layout: How to avoid particle collapsing into a single point?

In a force-based graph-layout simulation using Barnes-Hut, what are the conditions for collapse? With collapse I mean multiple (or even all) nodes "collapsing" into a single point. Is there ...
skep's user avatar
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Any quantum Monte-Carlo algorithm for calculating the lowest eigenenergy in each symmetry sector?

Suppose we have a hamiltonian which has the parity symmetry (e.g., the Heisenberg model with the open boundary condition). Is there any quantum Monte-Carlo algorithm which can be used to calculate the ...
poisson's user avatar
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About how to calculate observables in Quantum Monte Carlo with complex weights

I'm rewriting a Diagrammatic Quantum Monte Carlo algorithm following Werner, P., Oka, T., & Millis, A. J. (2009). Diagrammatic Monte Carlo simulation of nonequilibrium systems. Physical Review B, ...
pter26's user avatar
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Is there a proof for critical slow-down in Monte Carlo?

It is physically understood why the standard Metropolis-Hasting algorithm slows down near the critical temperature, since it doesn’t utilize the divergence of the correlation length. However, I’m ...
Andrew Yuan's user avatar
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Is Quantum State Tomography (QST) an inherently supervised or unsupervised problem in Machine Learning?

I am studying how to apply neural networks to the problem of Quantum State Tomography (QST) and I got confused when it comes to decide if this is a supervised or unsupervised learning problem. At ...
Dimitri's user avatar
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Understanding chapter 3.1 (Laplace's equation) in Introduction to electrodynamics Griffiths 4 ed [duplicate]

I really need help to understand chapter 3.1. What is the method of relaxation? How can I use the method of relaxation to solve Laplace's equation? How can I use the first and second uniqueness ...
aaa's user avatar
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How to efficiently calculate the inverse of the overlap matrix?

Now, we consider a non-orthonormal basis: $$\mathcal{S}_N=\{|\alpha\rangle,a^\dagger|\alpha\rangle,a^{\dagger 2}|\alpha\rangle,\ldots,a^{\dagger N}|\alpha\rangle\},$$ where $|\alpha\rangle$ is the ...
Young Q's user avatar
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Fringe pattern and ripples in the fringe visibility plot from interferograms

I am using a lens testing interferometer, where I record 4 to 5 interferograms with a 90$^{\circ}$ phase step between consecutive interferograms. In addition to the interferometer, I have also created ...
Hikikomori's user avatar
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Simplest quantum Monte-Carlo method for the Bose-Hubbard model

I want to use quantum Monte-Carlo results to benchmark an algorithm for the Bose-Hubbard model. There are so many QMC methods in the market, so which one is the simplest one? I want the ground state ...
poisson's user avatar
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How are the boundary conditions given in the SIMPLE algorithm on a forward staggered grid for a lid driven cavity flow?

I have a code given by my professor in which he applies the boundary conditions for the lid driven cavity flow. All the enforcement of boundary conditions I have seen elsewhere completely differ from ...
howstheJosh's user avatar
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Numerically computing induced magnetic field from current density

Let's say we have current density $J_i$ on a discretized grid with $(N_x \times N_y \times N_z)$ points. What is the best procedure to compute the induced magnetic field $(B_i)$ from the current ...
myresh's user avatar
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What are the advantages of tensor network algorithms over monte-carlo simulations in terms of time-evolution?

I understand that tensor networks and monte carlo simulations are based on completely different principles. However, to my knowledge both are used to simulate the time evolution of a system. Is there ...
Souroy's user avatar
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An example problem to solve using 100 qubits?

Suppose we have in our possession 100 pairs of electrons. Each electron A1 - A100 is entangled with its respective twin B1 - B100. Each entangled electron pair has been set up to have opposite spins (...
James's user avatar
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Grover's algorithm & using wave interference for computing

Grover's quantum search algorithm contends that it is possible to search for a specific item in an N-sized unsorted database in only $\sqrt N$ attempts. Classically, it takes N/2 attempts on average ...
James's user avatar
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Sensor Array Position Calibration in Anisotropic Media

Problem. I have a sensor array consisting of $n \gg 4$ receivers at unknown locations $\langle x_n, y_n, z_n\rangle$ embedded in an anisotropic medium whose index of refraction varies as a known ...
10GeV's user avatar
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Why are time-reversible integration algorithms in molecular dynamics simulations favorable?

I read that integration algorithms that are not time-reversible tend to be less "stable". Where stable means that the total energy stays constant (is conserved). I'd like to know what it ...
WedgeAntilles's user avatar
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Are there ways to find representations of matrices given an algebra?

Given an equation (or a set of equations) involving matrices, is there an algorithm to find possible representations of these matrices? For example, we can consider a matrix $A$ such that $A^2=\begin{...
YeetTheorem's user avatar
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Applying Divergence to query moving points

Problem statement :- There is a moving source($s$) and other moving points ($p_{1}.... p_{n}$). There are fixed obstacles and a fixed destination point($d$). In each time step I have to query "Is ...
Amartya's user avatar
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Reference request: Numerical techniques, Monte-Carlo (MC), Density Matrix Renormalization Group (DMRG), Dynamical Mean-Field Theory (DMFT)

I am an undergraduate student and my previous learning in physics is more on theory instead of numerics. I would be very grateful if you can point me to good introductory lecture notes/lecture videos ...
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Could we have a quantum algorithm that have the quantum speed-up, but don’t need universal gates?

When it comes to building a quantum computer, it's like we need to consider how to perform universal gates fault-tolerantly, which is an unsolvable problem so far. While Clifford gates may be easier ...
Zundoko's user avatar
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Algorithm for solving Poisson's equation numerically

I need an algorithm to solve Poisson's equation for gravitational potential. $$ \nabla^2\phi = 4\pi G\rho $$ where, $\phi$ is Gravitational Potential. I am trying PDE for the first time so, I need ...
Owl0223's user avatar
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Numerical solutions to the 3D wave equation

I am doing a research to explore the existing numerical schemes that are used to solve the $3$D wave equation. The standard form of the problem in $3$ dimensional setting is : $$\Delta u= \frac{1}{c^2}...
NotaChoice's user avatar
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Dynamic Programming and legendre transformation?

I read once (I can't find it anymore:( ), that the Legendre transformation from the Lagrange formalism to the Hamilton formalism can be seen as dynamic programming. I have never seen it like this and ...
nuemlouno's user avatar
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Compressing the Hilbert Space in Traditional DMRG

The traditional, non Matrix Product State, formulation of the Density Matrix Re-normalization Group (DMRG) algorithm can be coded in python. Such a code can be found in the following link: https://...
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Algorithm that checks if a subspace of states contains a product state

Suppose I have two identical qudits, the full Hilbert space is $\mathcal{H}=(\mathbb{C}^{d})^{\otimes 2}$. Say I'm given a supspace of states $\Lambda\subset \mathcal{H}$. What is the fastest ...
Lagrenge's user avatar
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Why does the chain be at equilibrium in the MH algorithm?

I'm implementing the Metropolis algorithm to solve the 2D Ising model. I've understood how to implement it and now I'm trying to understand a bit of how the algorithm works. In the site I'm reading it ...
EigenAle's user avatar
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Is Shor's algorithm for factoring still efficient in the presence of small phase noise

Quantum Fourier transform of $|a\rangle\in H_N$ $$|a\rangle\longrightarrow\sum_{l=0}^{N-1}e^{\frac{i2\pi a l}{N}}|l\rangle$$ where $N=2^n$ and $H_N$ is $N$-dimensional Hilbert space. The ...
Houpe's user avatar
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Which is more accurate: Euler's method or modified Euler's method?

I was solving a differential equation, the equation being, $$\frac{dv}{dt} = g-\frac{c_d}{m}v^2,$$ which can be solved analytically to give $$v = \sqrt{\frac{mg}{c_d}}\left(\frac{e^{2t\sqrt{\frac{c_dg}...
Sumit Gupta's user avatar
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How Do Quantum Computers Work, Like Really [closed]

I understand in plain terms superposition and entanglement, but I'm very unclear how either of these could work as a means to increase computation power. A helpful metaphor is that of the maze. A ...
WriterState's user avatar

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