Linked Questions

182 votes
5 answers

Gauge symmetry is not a symmetry?

I have read before in one of Seiberg's articles something like, that gauge symmetry is not a symmetry but a redundancy in our description, by introducing fake degrees of freedom to facilitate ...
Revo's user avatar
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Is the converse of Noether's first theorem true: Every conservation law has a symmetry?

Noether's (first) theorem states that any differentiable symmetry of the action of a physical system has a corresponding conservation law. Is the converse true: Any conservation law of a physical ...
Larry Harson's user avatar
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Noether charge of local symmetries

If our Lagrangian is invariant under a local symmetry, then, by simply restricting our local symmetry to the case in which the transformation is constant over space-time, we obtain a global symmetry, ...
Jonathan Gleason's user avatar
42 votes
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Noether's theorem and gauge symmetry

I'm confused about Noether's theorem applied to gauge symmetry. Say we have $$\mathcal L=-\frac14F_{ab}F^{ab}.$$ Then it's invariant under $A_a\rightarrow A_a+\partial_a\Lambda.$ But can I say that ...
user46348's user avatar
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Physical difference between gauge symmetries and global symmetries

There are plenty of well-answered questions on Physics SE about the mathematical differences between gauge symmetries and global symmetries, such as this question. However I would like to understand ...
Orca's user avatar
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Noether theorem, gauge symmetry and conservation of charge

I'm trying to understand Noether's theorem, and it's application to gauge symmetry. Below what I've done so far. First, the global gauge symmetry. I'm starting with the Lagragian $$L_{1}=\partial^{\...
FraSchelle's user avatar
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What is the symmetry which is responsible for preservation/conservation of electrical charges?

Another Noether's theorem question, this time about electrical charge. According to Noether's theorem, all conservation laws originate from invariance of a system to shifts in a certain space. For ...
Uri's user avatar
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Noether's first theorem and classical proof of electric charge conservation

How to prove conservation of electric charge using Noether's first theorem according to classical (non-quantum) mechanics? I know the proof based on using Klein–Gordon field, but that derivation use ...
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3 votes
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Is gauge symmetry necessary for charge conservation?

The common view is that gauge symmetry is necessary for conservation of charge(s) in Yang-Mills theory. But one thing I have never been able to get out of my head is, if there isn't any other possible ...
oliver's user avatar
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Meaning of the Noether current on a global $U(1)$ gauge transformation

Using the gauge principle we can derive the QED lagrangian from the dirac lagrangian, $$ \mathcal{L}_{Dirac}=\bar{\Psi}(i\gamma^{\mu} \partial_{\mu}-m\hat{I})\Psi $$ $$ \mathcal{L}_{QED}=\bar{\...
Adrien's user avatar
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From gauge invariance to charge conservation in covariant electrodynamics

I tried to solve the equations of motion using the action for the electromagnetic field interacting with a current, like $$ L = F_{\mu\nu}F^{\mu\nu} + A_{\nu}j^{\nu} $$ getting the right Maxwell's ...
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5 votes
1 answer

Noether Charge and Gauge Fields

I understand the global gauge symmetry results conserved charges associated with the symmetry. My question is, why don't we have conserved charges associated with local gauge symmetry of the gauge ...
Xiaoyi Jing's user avatar
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Noether current and continuity equation in classical scalar QED

Consider the following scalar QED model \begin{align} S = \int \mathrm{d}^{d+1} x\, \left\{-\left(\mathrm{D}_{\mu}\phi\right)^{\dagger} \left(\mathrm{D}^{\mu}\phi\right) -m^2 \phi^{\dagger}\phi - \...
cmp0xff's user avatar
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Electric Current in Classical Electrodynamics derived as Noether current [duplicate]

I'm looking for a derivation of the often quoted fact that the conservation of electric(!) current $j^{\mu} = (c \rho, \vec{j})$ in relativistic classical electrodynamics is an explicit consequence of ...
user267839's user avatar
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Applying Noether's Theorem to local invariance

I have realised that I am unsure about how I can apply Noether's theorem to a Lagrangian with local invariance. For instance, the following Lagrangian has a local $U(1)$ invariance: $$\mathcal{L}=(D_{...
Thomas Russell's user avatar

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