
If a charge $q$ is given to a shell of radius $r$ (conducting or non-conducting) it's self-energy is $kq^2/2r$, $k$ being Coulomb's constant.

But if the shell is conducting and the charge on the inner surface is $-q$ and on the outer surface is $2q$, then should the shell be considered a combination of two shells, one of charge $-q$ and the other of $2q$? In this case the self energy turns out to be $5kq^2/2r$.

But if we only consider the net charge on the shell, the energy is still $kq^2/2r$.

Which one is correct?


1 Answer 1


If the shell is conducting, it cannot have charge separation on inner and outer surfaces. This is possible, however, for a non-conducting shell. In this case, the total energy still remains $kq^2/2r$, since there is an additional (negative) contribution from the interaction between the negative and positive charges. For a thin spherical non-conducting shell with charge $-q$ on the inner surface and charge $+2q$ on the outer surface, the total energy is given by

\begin{align} E_\text{total} &= E_\text{outer} + E_\text{inner} + E_\text{interaction} \\ &= \frac{k(2q)^2}{2r} + \frac{k(-q)^2}{2r} + \frac{k(-q)(2q)}{r} \\ &= \frac{kq^2}{2r} \end{align}

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  • $\begingroup$ Thank you, I thought of this after the asking the question too. Regarding the first line, if we were to place a charge +q at the centre of the shell, can there be charge separation in a conducting shell in this case? $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 1 at 16:57
  • $\begingroup$ You're correct, an internal charge would definitely create charge separation. The question asked for self-energy which seemed to imply the absence of other interacting charges. In that case, there will be contributions from the interactions with the central charge too, though. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 1 at 22:22

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