
enter image description here

We are working in the frame of the cart and we are trying to obtain the $\tau=k\theta$ form.

So, let's write the $\tau=I_{axis}\alpha$ first for a small deviation $\theta$ from the vartical.

(The moment of inertia of the bob about the point of suspension would approximately be equal to $ml^2$ as the bob is small.)


$mgl\sin\theta - mal\cos\theta=ml^2\alpha$

As $\theta$ is small, $$gl\theta-al=l^2 \alpha$$

Solving this would give $T=2π\sqrt{\frac{l}{g}}$ and not $T=2π\sqrt{\frac{l}{g_{eff}}}$

What am I doing wrong?


2 Answers 2


Since the equilibrium angle $\theta_0=\arctan\frac{a_0}{g}\neq0$ has now changed, you cannot assume $\theta$ is small. Instead, you can define a shifted angle $\varphi:=\theta-\theta_0$, and use the small-angle approximation on this instead (i.e. Taylor expand around $\theta_0$ rather than $0$).

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks! I was assuming that it won't matter as the angle would be small at some point in the motion. Is the $\theta$ in $\tau=k\theta$ should necessarily be from the mean position? $\endgroup$
    – Swan
    Commented Jun 12 at 3:58
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ Yep, because then it represents a restoring force around some equilibrium (compare to Hooke's Law). Then it's meaningful to talk about small oscillations, around that equilibrium. $\endgroup$
    – DanDan面
    Commented Jun 12 at 4:02

starting with the free body diagram

enter image description here

obtain the sum of the torques about point A

$$\sum \tau=m\,L^2\ddot\theta+m\,g\,L\,\sin(\theta)- m\,a_a\,L\,\cos(\theta)=0$$

from here with $~\theta=\theta_0+\phi~$

$$\,L^2\ddot\phi+\,g\,L\,\sin(\theta_0+\phi)- \,a_a\,L\,\cos(\theta_0+\phi)=0\tag 2$$

linearized equation (2) with

$$\sin(\theta_0+\phi)=\sin \left( \theta_{{0}} \right) \cos \left( \phi \right) +\cos \left( \theta_{{0}} \right) \sin \left( \phi \right) \\ \cos(\theta_0+\phi)=\cos \left( \theta_{{0}} \right) \cos \left( \phi \right) -\sin \left( \theta_{{0}} \right) \sin \left( \phi \right) \\ \sin(\phi)=\phi~,\cos(\phi)=1 $$

$$L^2\ddot\phi+ \left( g\,L\cos \left( \theta_{{0}} \right) +a_{{0}}L\sin \left( \theta _{{0}} \right) \right) \phi +g\,L\sin \left( \theta_{{0}} \right) -a_{{0}}L\cos \left( \theta_{{0}} \right) =0\tag 3$$

for $~\ddot\phi=0~,\phi=0~$ you obtain $~\theta_0= \arctan\left(\frac{a_0}{g}\right)$

thus equation (3)



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