
I searched for entangled matter in cosmological context but didn't find anything that actually answers my question.

Big bang nucleosynthesis is actually a series of chain reactions that produces a certain percentage of the first light elements. Protons, electrons and photons however, based on the interactions that created them in the first place can have a degree of entanglement. Constant matter-antimatter anhilation as well as other processes in the first moments after BB should also have produced entangled matter in the sense if a particle decays and has a quantum property P, if this property is conserved then the resulting particles summation of this property should remain constant.

Any research that is relevant here? Thank you.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Everything is entangled to some degree. It would be more useful to talk about measures of entanglement than just the binary question. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 14 at 22:10


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