
I'm getting started with electronics and couldn't help but wonder about this. When the PN junction diode is reverse biased, P connected to the negative terminal and N connected to the positive terminal, shouldn't there be a large reverse current as the electrons (which are essentially the equivalent of minority charge carriers in the P region) get injected into the P region through the conductor? The depletion region can't really hinder the movement of electrons from P to N region as the field itself is from N region to the P region. Considering the very high concentration of free electrons in a conductor, shouldn't there be a huge reverse current?

Please do correct me if any of my assumptions are wrong and it would be really helpful if someone can thoroughly explain the actual concept behind this.


1 Answer 1


The metal making an "ohmic contact" to the p-region of the pn-diode (and analogously the metal contacting the n-region) is in (quasi-)equilibrium with the semiconductor and thus has the same (quasi-) Fermi level. Therefore, except for a very thin transition layer, the electron concentration in the semiconductor p-region is not influenced by the metal contact and remains at the very low (minority carrier) density determined by the p-doping. Depending on the semiconductor, the (usually) very low reverse current of the diode is mainly due to the diffusion of minority carriers at the depletion zone edges, or the electron-hole generation in the reverse biased depletion zone.


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