
Something goes wrong when I was deriving the equation of motion in Kepler's probelm, as below,

  1. Angular momentum conservation $L = Mr^2\dot{\theta}^2$.
  2. And Lagrangian is $L = \frac{1}{2}M(\dot{r}^2 + r^2\dot{\theta}^2) - V(r)$.

Method 1 compute $\frac{\partial L}{\partial r} = Mr\dot{\theta}^2 - d_rV = \frac{L^2}{Mr^3}-d_rV$.

however, another way is to rewrite Lagrangian first, $L = \frac{1}{2}M\dot{r}^2+\frac{1}{2}\frac{L^2}{Mr^2} - V(r)$, and then compute the partial derivative w.r.t to $r$ again,

Method 2 we get different result $\frac{\partial L}{\partial r} = -\frac{L^2}{Mr^3}-d_rV$.

These two should be equal, but there are different with a sign, can somebody tell me where is wrong?
