  1. Now I am delaying the output of a system (which takes $x \left( t \right)$ as input and gives $t \cdot x \left( t \right)$ as output) by $T$ then final output is:

Let's denote the output of the system, $t \cdot x \left( t \right)$, as $y_{1} \left( t \right)$. So, we have:

$$ y_{1} \left( t \right) = t \cdot x \left( t \right) \tag{1} \label{1}$$

Now, if you want to delay this output by a time delay $T$, the output of the delayed system, $y_{2} \left( t \right)$, will be:

$$ y_{2} \left( t \right) = y_{1} \left( t - T \right) = \left( t - T \right) \cdot x \left( t - T \right) \tag{2} \label{2} $$

So, the output of the system with the delayed output is given by $\left( t - T \right) \cdot x \left( t - T \right)$. This represents the original output, but it has been delayed by a time delay of $T$ units.

(2)I am first delaying the $x \left( t \right)$ by $T$ and giving it as input to the above system then what is the final output?

  • Delayed Input: Delay the input signal $x \left( t \right)$ by $T$ to obtain $x \left( t - T \right)$.

  • Apply delayed input to the system: Feed the delayed input $x \left( t - T \right)$ into the system with the output equation $y_{1} \left( t \right) = t \cdot x \left( t \right)$.

  • Calculate the Output: To find the final output $y_{2} \left( t \right)$, you need to evaluate $y_{1} \left( t \right)$ at $t - T$, as the system output is $y_{1} \left( t - T \right)$. So, substitute $t - T$ for $t$ in the expression for $y_{1} \left( t \right)$:

$$ y_{2} \left( t \right) = \left( t - T \right) \cdot x \left( t - T \right) \tag{3} \label{3}$$

From the above statements I can conclude the system is time invariant. But it is not true $y \left( t \right) = t \cdot x \left( t \right)$ is a time-varying system.

Where did I make the mistake?

I want to know why we use these steps (algorithm) to find the time invariance in the first place. What is the relation between this algorithm and the definition of time invariance?

Please give a clear explanation and explain why the system, which takes input $x \left( t \right)$ and gives output $x \left( a t \right)$, where $a$ is constant, is time-varying after explaining the above question.


1 Answer 1


An operator, a system, $\mathcal L$ represented by multiplication with a time function, $\ell (t)$, for example, $\ell(t)=t$, is not time invariant. To see this, recall the definition of time invariance.

The operator $\mathcal L$ is called time invariant if for $y(t)=\mathcal L [x(t)]$ and for any $T$: $y(t-T)=\mathcal L [x(t-T)]$. Less formally, the operator $\mathcal L$ may depend on $x$ explicitly but on the time variable may only depend implicitly through $x$.

But writing $y(t)=\ell(t) x(t)$ you do get $y(t-T)=\ell(t-T)x(t-T)$ that is not by the definition of being time variant represented by the multiplier $\ell(t)$. Were it time invariant only the input is delayed not the operator, that is, $y(t-T) = \ell(t)x(t-T)$, which is not the case here.

Regarding time scaling, $x(at)$, it is a time variant operation exactly because of its explicit time dependence that can be seen when writing $x(a(t-T)) = x(at-aT)$ in which the output is delayed not by $T$ but by $aT$.

  • $\begingroup$ but in lot books I read that x(at) is time variant and if it is possible can you explain your answer clearly I don't understood what is implicitly and explicitly . $\endgroup$
    – Qwe Boss
    Commented Sep 18, 2023 at 20:24
  • $\begingroup$ an example for an operator that is only implicitly time dependent $\mathcal L:= x \mapsto \sin^2(x)$, it depends on time only through $x=x(t)$ and therefore it is time invariant. Contrast this with another operator $\mathcal M:= x \mapsto \sin^2(x+\sqrt{t})$ it depends both on $x$ and on $t$ explicitly. $\endgroup$
    – hyportnex
    Commented Sep 18, 2023 at 21:57
  • $\begingroup$ how does this is true "A system is considered time-invariant if its output remains the same when the input is shifted or delayed in time. In other words, if you apply a time shift to the input, the output should experience the same shift without any other changes" and how does it is related to the time invariant definition and define the signal clearly because I dont know exact definition of signal and can you clearly explain what is implicit and explicit $\endgroup$
    – Qwe Boss
    Commented Sep 19, 2023 at 6:36
  • $\begingroup$ in the definition you quoted only the system input is to be shifted in time, that is in your example, when $\mathcal M =t$, $\mathcal M[x]= tx(t)$, shifting in time the input only should be $tx(t-T)$, but that is not $y(t-T)$ if $y(t)=tx(t)$ $\endgroup$
    – hyportnex
    Commented Sep 19, 2023 at 8:31
  • $\begingroup$ yes now I think i understood what is explicit, dependence on time is irrespective of shift time remains as it when it is explicit ,and can I understand definition of time invariance like "this I am taking a system I am giving x(t) as input it gives tx(t) as a output at time t, now I am give past input or delayed signal as my input (x(t-T))at the same time t ,then the output will be t x(t-T) because outside t only dependence on present time", am I correct ,I this is what your are trying to explain interms of implicit and explicit dependence $\endgroup$
    – Qwe Boss
    Commented Sep 19, 2023 at 13:15

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