
Robotics related. On a linear servo driven rail one can typically set acceleration and maximum move speed. I am trying to determine the amount of seconds it takes the load to accelerate to a certain specified speed. An example would be:

Initial speed: 0 Acceleration/deceleration speed: 50mm/sec2 Ultimate velocity: 75 mm/sec Move distance: 2000mm

This will start at zero, speed up to it's move speed, travel a distance and then decelerate to zero.

    /       \
   /         \
  /           \
 /             \
/               \

How would one determine the time from str=art to max speed? How would one determine the total time of the movement?


2 Answers 2


Simply divide the motion into three phases.

During constant acceleration and deceleration the equation of motion is

v = u + at You have u=0 in acceleration and v= 0 in deceleration.

If you want the distance travelled during acceleration

s = ut + 0.5 at^2

For the constant speed phase:

s = ut

You have the distance and speed.


Alternate way is to draw speed-time graph like you have already. It wil be a trapezium. Maximum speed and time axis give you dimensions of trapezium. The area gives you distance travelled. Slope of lines gives acceleration. All you need to do is a bit of mathematics


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