
Let the orientation of a coordinate frame $\{b\}$ w.r.t. a static coordinate frame $\{a\}$ be expressed by a rotation matrix $R_{ab}\in SO(3)$ whose columns represent the coordinates of the unitary axis of $\{b\}$ w.r.t. $\{a\}$. Furthermore, let $R_{ab}$ depend on time $t$ i.e. we have $R_{ab}(t)$.

It is well known that the angular velocity, $\omega_{b}\in\mathbb{R}^3$, of the frame $\{b\}$ w.r.t. the frame $\{a\}$ can be obtained by:

$$ [\omega_b]_{\times} = \dot{R}_{ab}{R_{ab}}^T \label{1}\tag{1}$$ Where $[\cdot]_\times$ represents the anti-symmetric matrix related to $\omega_b$.

However I've not been able to read anywhere a similar expression for the angular velocity $\dot{\omega}_b$. I believe it can be directly obtained by differentiating eq. \ref{1} w.r.t. time i.e.:

$$ [\dot{\omega}_b]_\times = \ddot{R}_{ab}{R_{ab}}^T + \dot{R}_{ab}{\dot{R}_{ab}}^T \label{2}\tag{2}$$ In this way $[\dot{\omega}_b]_\times$ is also an anti-symmetric matrix, something that contradicts the answer in this post. Why $\dot{\omega}_b$ should not be computed as eq. \ref{2} ?

  • $\begingroup$ I think that your equation (1) should be $\omega_{ij}= R^{-1}_{ik} \dot R_{kj}= R_{ki}\dot R_{kb}.$ Also the other answer you cite is computing $\ddot R$ rather than $\dot \omega$, so I see no immediate contradiction. $\endgroup$
    – mike stone
    Commented Jan 2, 2022 at 16:23

1 Answer 1


I like the equation in the following form, all expressed on the same basis vectors.

$$ \dot{R} = [\omega \times] R $$

This is used to derive the kinematics of joints where $R = R_1 R_2 \ldots $

Now you can definitely take the time derivative of the above using the chain rule to get

$$ \ddot{R} = [\dot{\omega} \times] R + [\omega \times] \dot{R} = [\dot{\omega} \times] R + [\omega \times] [\omega\times] R $$


$$ [\dot{\omega} \times] = \ddot{R} R^\top - [\omega \times] [ \omega\times] R R^\top = \ddot{R} R^\top - [\omega \times] [\omega\times] $$

Notice that $[\omega \times] [\omega\times]$ is a symmetric matrix and $\ddot{R} R^\top$ a general matrix. If the above is valid this means that $\ddot{R} R^\top$ is split into symmetric and anti symmetric parts as follows

$$ \ddot{R} R^\top = \underbrace{[\dot{\omega}\times]}_{\text{skew}} + \underbrace{ [\omega \times][\omega \times]}_{\text{symm}} $$


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