
In Fourier optics it is sometimes convenient to think of lenses as "Fourier transformers". For an imaging system between two planes with a pupil in the center, the amplitude in the pupil is the FT of the image.

A simple way to think about this is that a lens swaps angles and positions (for a plane at the focal distance); all rays from a given position on the focal plane will have the same angle at the lens pupil and vice-versa.

Mathematically there is the fractional Fourier transform $F_{\alpha}(x)$ and when $\alpha = \pi/2$ this is the normal or "continuous" Fourier transform.

Question: How does the fractional Fourier transform apply to an out-of-focus imaging system? For example, if I measure the amplitude at 90% of the distance to the focal plane, would it be reproduced by taking the fractional Fourier transform of the amplitude in the pupil using $\alpha = 0.9 \pi/2$? Is it as simple as that?

Related and potentially helpful:

  • $\begingroup$ It looks like propagation of light is related to the generalization of the Fractional Fourier Transform: The linear canonical transformation: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_canonical_transformation. The quadratic phase shift that light picks up (as a function of propagation direction and distance) looks to be related to the $a$ and $d$ parameters in the linked article. $\endgroup$
    – Jagerber48
    Commented Jun 21, 2021 at 14:28