
I recently had a problem on a quiz for a classical mechanics course that looked something like this:

A bead of mass $m$ is constrained to move on a rod that is tilted at a fixed angle $\theta$ with respect to the $x$-axis. The rod is accelerated along the $y$-axis with constant acceleration $a$, as shown in the diagram. Ignore gravity in your solution.

enter image description here

My question, and confusion while solving this problem, boiled down to what to do with the acceleration along the $y$-axis, and how to set up my Lagrangian to account for this. Defining $\mathscr{L} = T-V$, clearly $V =0$, as we are ignoring gravity in the problem. My issue lies with how to define $T$: is it possible to make $r$ a non-inertial coordinate such that $T = \frac{1}{2}m\dot{r}^2$, or do I have to make sure that my kinetic energy is written in inertial coordinates, that is, $T = \frac{1}{2}m(\dot{x}^2+\dot{y}^2) = \frac{1}{2}m(\dot{r}^2\cos^2(\theta)+(\dot{r}\sin(\theta)+at)^2))$

More generally, how does using non-intertial coordinates affect the standard formulation of the Lagrangian (and Hamiltonian)?


1 Answer 1


To see how acceleration-induced pseudo forces enter into Lagrangians consider a partcle that has position $x(t)$ measured from a moving reference point $X(t)$ (the floor of a lift say) with $\ddot X=a$. The particle's position in an inertial frame is therefore $x_{\rm inertial}=x+X$ and so it has action integral
$$ S=\int \frac 12m \left(\frac{d(x(t)+X(t))}{dt}\right)^2dt \\ = \int\left( \frac 12 m \dot x^2 + \dot x m \dot X+ \frac 12 m\dot X^2 \right)dt $$ We can ignore the $\dot X^2/2$ as it does not affect Lagrange's eqations for $x$. We can also integrate by parts to shift $m\dot x \dot X\to -m x\ddot X= -mxa $ because total derivatives do not affect anything either. What is left is $$ S= \int\left( \frac 12 m \dot x^2 - x m a\right)dt, $$ which is the action for a particle in a "gravitational" potential $V(x)=max$.


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