
I am currently looking at various papers written (some listed at the bottom) that discuss how laser pulses can be modulated to send encoded messages to a receiver for communication systems. The more I read , the more I find out there are many ways to do this. From what I have seen there are 4 major categories of modulation schemes:

1) Pulse Position Modulation (PPM)

2) Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)

3) Frequency Modulation (FM)

4) Phase Shift Modulation (PSM)

As I read through more and more papers, I am seeing that people have improved on various parameters in 1-4 above (average power, period of pulses, bit error rate, packet error rate, and signal-to-noise ratio SNR to name a few). As a result, each of the 4 categories above has maybe 100s modulation schemes that improve on various parameters.

I am wondering if there is a tree diagram of sorts that guides which modulation scheme to use depending on your needs. For example, suppose I need a low bit error rate but messages need to be sent as quickly as possible and power is not a concern, how do I know which modulation scheme is best?

Or, another example, suppose power IS a concern, but speed of messages being sent to the receiver is not. How do I know which modulation scheme is best?

The closest diagram I found for what I am looking for can be found here:

enter image description here

But this diagram is missing guidance about which schemes to use for your specific needs.

Is there a diagram out there is fills in details about this?

Following are just some of the papers I have looked at:



