
I have a Voltage signal, $V$, with fluctuations that go as: $$ \langle\delta V(\tau)^2\rangle=\ln f_a\tau $$

Here $f_a$ is an attempt frequency from an Ahrennius Law. According to many papers, "it is well-known that this leads to a 1/f" spectrum. I just don't see how.

I believe that the PSD (Power Spectral Density), $S_V$, should be equal to: $$ S_V=\frac{1}{T}|\delta V(f)|^2=\int\langle\delta V(\tau)\delta V(0)\rangle e^{2\pi i f\tau}d\tau $$

But I don't see how any of that is calculable (or $=1/f$) from where I am starting from. Thanks!



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