
From Noether's theorem applied to fields we can get the general expression for the stress-energy-momentum tensor for some fields:

$$T^{\mu}_{\;\nu} = \sum_{i} \left(\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \partial_{\mu}\phi_{i}}\partial_{\nu}\phi_{i}\right)-\delta^{\mu}_{\;\nu}\mathcal{L}$$

The EM Lagrangian, in the Weyl gauge, is:

$$\mathcal{L} = \frac{1}{2}\epsilon_{0}\left(\frac{\partial \vec{A}}{\partial t}\right)^{2}-\frac{1}{2\mu_{0}}\left(\vec{\nabla}\times \vec{A}\right)^{2}$$

Applying the above, all I manage to get for the pressure along x, which I believe corresponds to the first diagonal element of the Maxwell stress tensor, is:

$$p_{x} = \sigma_{xx} = -T^{xx} = \frac{-1}{\mu_{0}}\left(\left(\partial_{x}A_{z}\right)^{2}-\partial_{x}A_{z}\partial_{z}A_{x}-\left(\partial_{x}A_{y}\right)^{2}+\partial_{x}A_{y}\partial_{y}A_{x}\right)+\mathcal{L}$$

But I can't see how this can be equal to what is given in Wikipedia.Why is this?


2 Answers 2


Hint: The canonical stress-energy tensor from Noether's theorem is not necessarily symmetric, and often needs to be improved with appropriate improvements terms. This is e.g. the case for EM. See also e.g. this Phys.SE post and links therein.


  1. Landau and Lifshitz, Vol.2, The Classical Theory of Fields, $\S$33.

First, let's denote the canonical stress tensor density (and it is a tensor density, by the way, not a tensor) by $𝔓$, rather than by $𝔗$ or $T$. This is a rank (1,1) tensor density and the diagonal component is $${𝔓_1}^1 = \frac{∂𝔏}{∂(∂𝐀/∂x)}·\frac{∂𝐀}{∂x} - 𝔏.$$

The field-potential relations are $𝐄 = -∇φ - ∂𝐀⁄∂t = -∂𝐀⁄∂t$, $𝐁 = ∇×𝐀$, for your gauge $φ = 0$ and the Lagrangian density is $$𝔏 = \frac 1 2 \left(ε_0 E^2 - \frac{B^2}{μ_0}\right).$$ It depends on the gradients of the potentials only through its dependence on the field strengths $𝐁$ and $𝐄$, with respective derivatives: $$𝐃 ≡ \frac{∂𝔏}{∂𝐄} = ε_0𝐄, \hspace 1em 𝐇 ≡ -\frac{∂𝔏}{∂𝐁} = \frac{𝐁}{μ_0}.$$

The dependence on $∂𝐀/∂x$ occurs only through the dependence on $𝐁$, with the respective derivatives: $$\frac{∂𝔏}{∂(∂𝐀/∂x)} = \left(\frac{∂𝔏}{∂\left(∂A_1/∂x\right)}, \frac{∂𝔏}{∂\left(∂A_2/∂x\right)}, \frac{∂𝔏}{∂\left(∂A_3/∂x\right)}\right) = \left(0, -\frac{∂𝔏}{∂B^3}, \frac{∂𝔏}{∂B^2}\right) = (0, H_3, -H_2).$$

Consequently, $${𝔓_1}^1 = (0, H_3, -H_2)·\left(\frac{∂A_1}{∂x}, \frac{∂A_2}{∂x}, \frac{∂A_3}{∂x}\right) - 𝔏 = -\left(𝐇×\frac{∂𝐀}{∂x}\right)^1 - 𝔏$$

In general $${𝔓_j}^i = -\left(𝐇×\frac{∂𝐀}{∂x^j}\right)^i - δ_j^i 𝔏$$

In contrast, the stress tensor density for the field (in the absence of sources) is given by $${𝔗_1}^1 = D^1 E_1 + B^1 H_1 - (𝐁·𝐇 + 𝔏) = D^1 E_1 - B^2 H_2 - B^3 H_3 - 𝔏$$ More generally, $${𝔗_j}^i = D^i E_j + B^i H_j - δ^i_j (𝐁·𝐇 + 𝔏)$$

This generalizes further, by including the 0 indexes to the following (and I'll be using the summation convention here and below, in which repeated indexes in a monomial term are understood to be summed over) $${𝔗_μ}^ρ = 𝔊^{ρν} F_{νμ} - δ^ρ_μ 𝔏,$$ where the potentials and fields are given by: $$F_{μν} = ∂_μ A_ν - ∂_ν A_μ = -F_{νμ} ⇒ 𝐁 = (F_{23},F_{31},F_{12}), 𝐄 = (F_{10},F_{20},F_{30}),$$ and the response fields are tensor densities given by $$𝔊^{μν} = -\frac{∂𝔏}{∂F_{μν}} = -𝔊^{νμ} ⇒ 𝐃 = (𝔊^{01},𝔊^{02},𝔊^{03}), 𝐇 = (𝔊^{23},𝔊^{31},𝔊^{12}).$$ The potentials, themselves are given by $$φ = -A_0, \hspace 1em 𝐀 = (A_1,A_2,A_3).$$

Taking the difference, we have $$\begin{align} {𝔗_1}^1 - {𝔓_1}^1 & = D^1 E_1 - B^2 H_2 - B^3 H_3 + \left(𝐇×\frac{∂𝐀}{∂x}\right)^1 \\ & = D^1\left(-\frac{∂A_1}{∂t}\right) - \left(B^2 + \frac{∂A_3}{∂x}\right) H_2 - \left(B^3 - \frac{∂A_2}{∂x}\right) H_3 \end{align}$$ This works out to: $$\begin{align} {𝔗_1}^1 - {𝔓_1}^1 & = -D^1 \frac{∂A_1}{∂t} - H_2 \frac{∂A_1}{∂z} + H_3 \frac{∂A_1}{∂y} \\ & = \frac{∂(-D^1A_1)}{∂t} + \frac{∂(H_3A_1)}{∂y} + \frac{∂(-H_2A_1)}{∂z} + A_1 \left(\frac{∂𝐃}{∂t} - ∇×𝐇 \right)^1. \end{align}$$

"On shell" (that is "upon application of the source-free field equation: $∇×𝐇 - ∂𝐃⁄∂t = 𝐉 = 𝟎$), this reduces to a total divergence: $${𝔗_1}^1 - {𝔓_1}^1 = \frac{∂(-D^1A_1)}{∂t} + \frac{∂(H_3A_1)}{∂y} + \frac{∂(-H_2A_1)}{∂z} = \frac{∂{𝔭_1}^{10}}{∂t} + \frac{∂{𝔭_1}^{11}}{∂x} + \frac{∂{𝔭_1}^{12}}{∂y} + \frac{∂{𝔭_1}^{13}}{∂z}$$ where $$({𝔭_1}^{10}, {𝔭_1}^{11}, {𝔭_1}^{12}, {𝔭_1}^{13}) = A_1 (-D^1, 0, H_3, -H_2) = A_1 (𝔊^{10},𝔊^{11},𝔊^{12},𝔊^{13})$$ This generalizes to: $${𝔭_μ}^{ρσ} = A_μ 𝔊^{ρσ}.$$

This extra contribution can be accounted for by the Belinfante relocation of the canonical stress tensor. In general, given a stress tensor and spin tensor $${𝔓_μ}^ρ, \hspace 1em {𝔖_{μν}}^ρ = -{𝔖_{νμ}}^ρ$$ the momentum/energy and angular momentum/mass moment 3-current densities corresponding to infinitesimal translations $x^μ → x^μ + Δx^μ$ and rotations $Δω^{μν}$ are $$P(Δx) = {𝔓_μ}^ρ Δx^μ ∂_ρ ˩ d^4x, \hspace 1em J(Δω) = ½ {𝔍_{μν}}^ρ Δω^{μν} ∂_ρ ˩ d^4x$$ where the total angular momentum current density is given by $${𝔍_{μν}}^ρ = x_μ {𝔓_ν}^ρ - x_ν {𝔓_μ}^ρ + {𝔖_{μν}}^ρ.$$ Each of these satisfies continuity equations: $$∂_ρ {𝔓_μ}^ρ = 0, \hspace 1em ∂_ρ {𝔍_{μν}}^ρ = 0$$ which, in the latter case, produces the symmetrization condition $$0 = ∂_ρ {𝔍_{μν}}^ρ = 𝔓_{νμ} - 𝔓_{μν} + ∂_ρ {𝔖_{μν}}^ρ ⇒ 𝔓_{μν} - 𝔓_{νμ} = ∂_ρ {𝔖_{μν}}^ρ$$

A relocation of $(𝔓, 𝔍)$ is an adjustment by 2-current densities $(𝔭,𝔧)$ $${𝔓_μ}^ρ → {𝔓_μ}^ρ + ∂_σ {𝔭_μ}^{ρσ}, \hspace 1em {𝔍_{μν}}^ρ → {𝔍_{μν}}^ρ + ∂_σ {𝔧_{μν}}^{ρσ}$$ that preserves the continuity equations and the relation between $(𝔓,𝔍)$ and $𝔖$ (which, thus, also undergoes adjustment).

The anti-symmetry of $(𝔭,𝔧)$ in $(ρ,σ)$ ensures that the continuity equations are preserved, and the anti-symmetry of $𝔧$ in $(μ,ν)$ ensures that $𝔍$ likewise retain its anti-symmetry in $(μ,ν)$.

The Belinfante relocation $${𝔓_μ}^ρ → {𝔗_μ}^ρ = {𝔓_μ}^ρ + ∂_σ {𝔭_μ}^{ρσ}, \hspace 1em {𝔍_{μν}}^ρ → {𝔐_{μν}}^ρ = {𝔍_{μν}}^ρ + ∂_σ {𝔧_{μν}}^{ρσ}$$ is the one which reduces $𝔖$ to 0, so that one has the following $${𝔐_{μν}}^ρ = x_μ {𝔗_ν}^ρ - x_ν {𝔗_μ}^ρ.$$

The actual expression for $𝔭$ and $𝔧$ in terms of $𝔖$ can be found by substituting for $(𝔐,𝔗)$ in their relation and applying the anti-symmetry conditions on $(μ,ν)$ and $(ρ,σ)$.

The expression for, $𝔖$, in turn, comes out of the Lorentz transform law for the fields $A$ and $F$. Finally, the fact that this $𝔖$ will actually yield the correction $𝔭$ that we previously derived is a matter of a routine verification. In fact, we can use this point and work backwards, inverting the relation between $𝔖$ and $𝔭$, solving for $𝔖$ (since we already have $𝔭$) and determine what $𝔖$ ought to be and - from this - what the transforms on $A$ and $F$ ought to be.

Substitute the adjustments into the target relation for the Belinfante relocation: $${𝔍_{μν}}^ρ + ∂_σ {𝔧_{μν}}^{ρσ} = x_μ ({𝔓_ν}^ρ + ∂_σ {𝔭_ν}^{ρσ}) - x_ν ({𝔓_μ}^ρ + ∂_σ {𝔭_μ}^{ρσ}),$$ integrate by parts and substitute for 𝔍, to get $$x_μ {𝔓_ν}^ρ - x_ν {𝔓_μ}^ρ + {𝔖_{μν}}^ρ + ∂_σ {𝔧_{μν}}^{ρσ} = x_μ {𝔓_ν}^ρ - x_ν {𝔓_μ}^ρ + ∂_σ (x_μ {𝔭_ν}^{ρσ} - x_ν {𝔭_μ}^{ρσ}) + {{𝔭_μ}^ρ}_ν - {{𝔭_ν}^ρ}_μ.$$ or $${𝔖_{μν}}^ρ = ∂_σ (x_μ {𝔭_ν}^{ρσ} - x_ν {𝔭_μ}^{ρσ} - {𝔧_{μν}}^{ρσ}) + {{𝔭_μ}^ρ}_ν - {{𝔭_ν}^ρ}_μ,$$ which can be solved with $${𝔖_{μν}}^ρ = {{𝔭_μ}^ρ}_ν - {{𝔭_ν}^ρ}_μ, \hspace 1em {𝔧_{μν}}^{ρσ} = x_μ {𝔭_ν}^{ρσ} - x_ν {𝔭_μ}^{ρσ}.$$ The Belinfante correction $𝔭$, itself, would be obtained by inverting the $(𝔖,𝔭)$ relation, which (after lowering the index $ρ$) would be: $$𝔭_{μνρ} = ½ (𝔖_{μρν} + 𝔖_{νμρ} + 𝔖_{νρμ}).$$

Since we already found that $${𝔭_μ}^{ρσ} = A_μ 𝔊^{ρσ}$$ then it follows that we must have $${𝔖_{μν}}^ρ = A_μ {𝔊^ρ}_ν - A_ν {𝔊^ρ}_μ = 𝔊^{ρσ} (A_μ g_{σν} - A_ν g_{σμ}).$$

For a field theory given by an action principle with a Lagrangian density $𝔏(q,v)$ that is a function of field variables $q = (q^A)$ and its gradients $v = ({v^A}_μ) = (∂_μ q^A)$; if we have a symmetry, given infinitesimally by ${λ^μ}_ν$, that is metric-preserving: $$0 = Δg_{μν} = -{λ^ρ}_μ g_{ρν} - {λ^ρ}_ν g_{μρ} = -λ_{νμ} - λ_{μν}$$ and if the field variables transform under it as $${Δq}^A = ½ λ_{μν} (Σ^{μν} q)^A = ½ λ_{μν} {{Σ^{μν}}^A}_B q^B$$ then the "spin" tensor for the $λ$-symmetry is given by $$𝔖^{μνρ} = \frac{∂𝔏}{∂{v^A}_ρ} (Σ^{μν} q)^A.$$

When this is applied to the electromagnetic field $q = (A_ν)$, $v = (∂_μ A_ν)$, this yields the spin tensor: $$𝔖^{μνρ} = \frac{∂𝔏}{∂(∂_ρ A_σ)} (Σ^{μν} A)_σ = \frac{∂𝔏}{∂F_{ρσ}} (Σ^{μν} A)_σ = -𝔊^{ρσ} (Σ^{μν} A)_σ.$$ Thus, we find that the transform ought to be given by $$(Σ_{μν} A)_σ = A_ν g_{σμ} - A_μ g_{σν}$$ and $$ΔA_σ = ½ λ^{μν} (Σ_{μν} q)_σ = ½ λ^{μν} (A_ν g_{σμ} - A_μ g_{σν}) = -{λ^μ}_σ A_μ.$$

If the metric is Minkowski, then it has the form (up to a scale factor) $$g_{00} = β, g_{11} = g_{22} = g_{33} = -α,$$ and $g_{μν} = 0$ otherwise, where $αβ > 0$ and $c = \sqrt{β/α}$ and respects Lorentz symmetry, $$Δg_{μν} = -{λ^ρ}_μ g_{ρν} - {λ^ρ}_ν g_{μρ}$$ given in infinitesimal form by: $$Δx^ρ = {λ^ρ}_μ x^μ ⇒ Δt = -β𝞄·𝐫, Δ𝐫 = 𝞈 × 𝐫 - α 𝞄 t ⇒ Δx^μ = {λ^μ}_ρ x^ρ$$ where $𝐫 = (x,y,z)$, $𝞈$ is an infinitesimal rotation, $𝞄$ an infinitesimal boost, and $$\begin{align} ({λ^3}_2,{λ^1}_3,{λ^2}_1) &= 𝞈 = -({λ^2}_3,{λ^3}_1,{λ^1}_2), \\ ({λ^0}_1,{λ^0}_2,{λ^0}_3) &= -α𝞄, \\ ({λ^1}_0,{λ^2}_0,{λ^3}_0) &= -β𝞄, \\ ({λ^0}_0,{λ^1}_1,{λ^2}_2,{λ^3}_3) &= (0,0,0,0). \end{align}$$ This also induces a transform on the differential operators $$Δ∂_μ = -{λ^ρ}_μ ∂_ρ ⇒ Δ∇ = 𝞈×∇ + α𝞄\frac{∂}{∂t}, Δ\left(\frac{∂}{∂t}\right) = β𝞄·∇$$ which is obtained from the condition that the 1-form operator $$d𝐫·∇ + dt \frac{∂}{∂t}$$ be an invariant.

As a consequence of the transforms on the operators, we may also write $$ΔF_{μν} = Δ(∂_μ A_ν - ∂_ν A_μ)$$ and work this out in detail to show that $$ΔF_{μν} = -{λ^ρ}_μ F_{ρν} - {λ^ρ}_ν F_{μρ}.$$

In component form, this transform is given by: $$\begin{align} Δ𝐀 &= 𝞈×𝐀 - α𝞄φ, & Δφ &= -β𝞄·𝐀, \\ Δ𝐁 &= 𝞈×𝐁 - α𝞄×𝐄, & Δ𝐄 &= 𝞈×𝐄 + β𝞄×𝐁. \end{align}$$ The parameters $(α,β)$ can be normalized in a variety of ways, depending on how the coordinates and field components are scaled. The normalization that best accords with the correspondence limit of non-relativistic theory is $(α,β) = (1/c^2,1)$ for relativity and $(α,β) = (0,1)$ as the non-relativistic limit; in which case the metric becomes a metric for proper time and can be rescaled by $-c^2$ to make it a metric for distance.


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