
In these lecture notes by Strominger section 3.3 we derive the equations of motion of the Classical Dilaton Gravity action $$ S = \frac{1}{2\pi}\int{d^2x}{\sqrt{-g}e^{-2\phi}\left(R +4 (\nabla\phi)^2+4\lambda^2\right)}\tag{3.6} $$

The equations of motion for the metric are $$ 2 e^{-2\phi}(\nabla_\mu\nabla_\nu\phi+g_{\mu\nu}((\nabla\phi)^2-\nabla^2\phi-\lambda^2)=0\tag{3.7} $$

Then by introducing light-cone coordinates and gauge fixing the metric we have $$ g_{+-}=-\frac{1}{2}e^{2\rho}\qquad g_{++}=g_{--}=0\tag{3.12} $$

Finally for the $g_{++}$ and $g_{--}$ the equations of motion in terms of the light-cone coordinates give $$ e^{-2\phi}(4\partial_+\rho\partial_+\phi-2\partial_+^2\phi)=0 \\e^{-2\phi}(4\partial_-\rho\partial_-\phi-2\partial_-^2\phi)=0\tag{3.15} $$

I don't understand where the last 2 equations come from. Are they not supposed to be the components $_{++}$ and $_{--}$ of the equation of motion of the metric found before?


1 Answer 1


To derive (3.15), you need only (3.7). The $++$ component of (3.7) gives the first one in (3.15); while the $--$ component give the second one.

For example, $++$ component gives $2 e^{-2\phi}(\nabla_+\nabla_+\phi)=0$, where I have used gauge condition $g_{++}=0$; on the other side $\nabla_+\nabla_+\phi$ is $\partial_+\partial_+\phi-2\partial_+\rho\partial_+\phi$, where $2\partial_+\rho$ comes from a component of Christoffel symbol; as a result, we have $2 e^{-2\phi}(\partial_+\partial_+\phi-2\partial_+\rho\partial_+\phi)=0$.


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