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How doesdo Electric and magnetic fields actually generate each other (mathematically)?

Regarding electromagnetism, a changing magnetic flux$(\phi_B)$ produces emf by-$$EMF= -\frac{d \phi_B}{dt}\tag1$$ This emf creates a current which again creates a magnetic field given by-(bio-savart law) $$dB= \frac{kI×dl}{r^2}\space\space\space\space\space\space (2)$$ assume appropriate constants and vectors.

But if this emf is such that, it is also changing with time then it creates a time varying current I(t) which will then produce a time varying magnetic field by (2) (maybe) and the process is again back to (1) i.e we have a changing magnetic flux. This is obviously wrong and shouldn't happen as it may become endless loop creating $\infty$ E and B fields.

I am highly unsure about everything iI have written,as i as I am not confident in this topic but please explain my misunderstanding here. Also iI am fully aware of the 4 maxwellfour Maxwell equations and their basic meaning. I know this topic can get too complicated as it uses tensors and such so keep mathsmath (if any) moderate graduation level

How does Electric and magnetic fields actually generate each other (mathematically)

Regarding electromagnetism, a changing magnetic flux$(\phi_B)$ produces emf by-$$EMF= -\frac{d \phi_B}{dt}\tag1$$ This emf creates a current which again creates a magnetic field given by-(bio-savart law) $$dB= \frac{kI×dl}{r^2}\space\space\space\space\space\space (2)$$ assume appropriate constants and vectors.

But if this emf is such that, it is also changing with time then it creates a time varying current I(t) which will then produce a time varying magnetic field by (2) (maybe) and the process is again back to (1) i.e we have a changing magnetic flux. This is obviously wrong and shouldn't happen as it may become endless loop creating $\infty$ E and B fields.

I am highly unsure about everything i have written,as i am not confident in this topic but please explain my misunderstanding here. Also i am fully aware of the 4 maxwell equations and their basic meaning. I know this topic can get too complicated as it uses tensors and such so keep maths(if any) moderate graduation level

How do Electric and magnetic fields generate each other (mathematically)?

Regarding electromagnetism, a changing magnetic flux$(\phi_B)$ produces emf by-$$EMF= -\frac{d \phi_B}{dt}\tag1$$ This emf creates a current which again creates a magnetic field given by-(bio-savart law) $$dB= \frac{kI×dl}{r^2}\space\space\space\space\space\space (2)$$ assume appropriate constants and vectors.

But if this emf is such that, it is also changing with time then it creates a time varying current I(t) which will then produce a time varying magnetic field by (2) (maybe) and the process is again back to (1) i.e we have a changing magnetic flux. This is obviously wrong and shouldn't happen as it may become endless loop creating $\infty$ E and B fields.

I am highly unsure about everything I have written, as I am not confident in this topic but please explain my misunderstanding here. Also I am fully aware of the four Maxwell equations and their basic meaning. I know this topic can get too complicated as it uses tensors and such so keep math (if any) moderate graduation level

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How does Electric and magnetic fields actually generate each other  (mathematically)

Regarding electromagnetism, a changing magnetic flux$(\phi_B)$ produces emf by-$$EMF= -\frac{d \phi_B}{dt}\space\space\space\space\space\space-(1)$$$$EMF= -\frac{d \phi_B}{dt}\tag1$$ This emf creates a current which again creates a magnetic field given by-(bio-savart law) $$dB= \frac{kI×dl}{r^2}\space\space\space\space\space\space-(2)$$$$dB= \frac{kI×dl}{r^2}\space\space\space\space\space\space (2)$$ assume appropriate constants and vectors.

But if this emf is such that, it is also changing with time then it creates a time varying current I(t) which will then produce a time varying magnetic field by (2) (maybe) and the process is again back to (1) i.e we have a changing magnetic flux. This is obviously wrong and shouldn't happen as it may become endless loop creating $\infty$ E and B fields.

I am highly unsure about everything i have written,as i am not confident in this topic but please explain my misunderstanding here. Also i am fully aware of the 4 maxwell equations and their basic meaning. I know this topic can get too complicated as it uses tensors and such so keep maths(if any) moderate graduation level

How does Electric and magnetic fields actually generate each other(mathematically)

Regarding electromagnetism, a changing magnetic flux$(\phi_B)$ produces emf by-$$EMF= -\frac{d \phi_B}{dt}\space\space\space\space\space\space-(1)$$ This emf creates a current which again creates a magnetic field given by-(bio-savart law) $$dB= \frac{kI×dl}{r^2}\space\space\space\space\space\space-(2)$$ assume appropriate constants and vectors.

But if this emf is such that, it is also changing with time then it creates a time varying current I(t) which will then produce a time varying magnetic field by (2) (maybe) and the process is again back to (1) i.e we have a changing magnetic flux. This is obviously wrong and shouldn't happen as it may become endless loop creating $\infty$ E and B fields.

I am highly unsure about everything i have written,as i am not confident in this topic but please explain my misunderstanding here. Also i am fully aware of the 4 maxwell equations and their basic meaning. I know this topic can get too complicated as it uses tensors and such so keep maths(if any) moderate graduation level

How does Electric and magnetic fields actually generate each other  (mathematically)

Regarding electromagnetism, a changing magnetic flux$(\phi_B)$ produces emf by-$$EMF= -\frac{d \phi_B}{dt}\tag1$$ This emf creates a current which again creates a magnetic field given by-(bio-savart law) $$dB= \frac{kI×dl}{r^2}\space\space\space\space\space\space (2)$$ assume appropriate constants and vectors.

But if this emf is such that, it is also changing with time then it creates a time varying current I(t) which will then produce a time varying magnetic field by (2) (maybe) and the process is again back to (1) i.e we have a changing magnetic flux. This is obviously wrong and shouldn't happen as it may become endless loop creating $\infty$ E and B fields.

I am highly unsure about everything i have written,as i am not confident in this topic but please explain my misunderstanding here. Also i am fully aware of the 4 maxwell equations and their basic meaning. I know this topic can get too complicated as it uses tensors and such so keep maths(if any) moderate graduation level

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How does Electric and magnetic fields actually generate each other(mathematically)

Regarding electromagnetism, a changing magnetic flux$(\phi_B)$ produces emf by-$$EMF= -\frac{d \phi_B}{dt}\space\space\space\space\space\space-(1)$$ This emf creates a current which again creates a magnetic field given by-(bio-savart law) $$dB= \frac{kI×dl}{r^2}\space\space\space\space\space\space-(2)$$ assume appropriate constants and vectors.

But if this emf is such that, it is also changing with time then it creates a time varying current I(t) which will then produce a time varying magnetic field by (2) (maybe) and the process is again back to (1) i.e we have a changing magnetic flux. This is obviously wrong and shouldn't happen as it may become endless loop creating $\infty$ E and B fields.

I am highly unsure about everything i have written,as i am not confident in this topic but please explain my misunderstanding here. Also i am fully aware of the 4 maxwell equations and their basic meaning. I know this topic can get too complicated as it uses tensors and such so keep maths(if any) moderate graduation level