Regarding electromagnetism, a changing magnetic flux$(\phi_B)$ produces emf by-$$EMF= -\frac{d \phi_B}{dt}\tag1$$
This emf creates a current which again creates a magnetic field given by-(bio-savart law) $$dB= \frac{kI×dl}{r^2}\space\space\space\space\space\space (2)$$ assume appropriate constants and vectors.

But if this emf is such that, it is also changing with time then it creates a time varying current I(t) which will then produce a time varying magnetic field by (2) (maybe)   and the process is again back  to (1) i.e we have a changing magnetic flux. This is obviously wrong and shouldn't happen as it may become endless loop creating $\infty$ E and B fields.

I am highly unsure about everything I have written, as I am not confident in this topic but please explain my misunderstanding here. Also I am fully aware of the four Maxwell equations and their basic meaning. I know this topic can get too complicated as it uses tensors and such so keep math (if any) moderate graduation level