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Recently I’ve been learning about spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) for gauge theories. I’ve stumbled across some really helpful resources, such as Hamilton’s Mathematical Gauge Theory – With Applications to the Standard Model.

However I think I’m getting confused about the symmetries involved. In particular, I’m getting mixed up about when we want something to be $G$-invariant vs $\mathcal{G}$-invariant.

Suppose we have a gauge theory involving:

  • A principal $G$-bundle $P \rightarrow M$ with structure group given by a compact Lie group $G$.
  • A complex representation $\rho: G \rightarrow \text{GL} \left( W \right)$, where $W$ is a finite complex vector space with the standard Hermitian form.
  • The associated vector bundle $E \rightarrow M$ with $E = P \times_{\rho} W$.
  • Gauge group $\mathcal{G}$ of $P$.

In general, my question is this: when do we expect objects in our theory to be $G$-invariant vs $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?

Let me give some examples which have confused me. I know connection 1-forms describe our gauge fields, and sections of $E$ describe our Higgs fields.

  • If we introduce a potential function $V: \Gamma \left( E \right) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ for our Higgs fields, should $V$ be $G$-invariant or $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?
  • Should our Lagrangian be $G$-invariant or $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?
  • Given a vacuum vector $w_0 \in W$, which minimizes $V$, we can define the unbroken subgroup to be the isotropy group / stabilizer $H$ of $w_0$. If $H \subset G$ is a proper subgroup, then we have a spontaneously broken symmetry. However I thought the full initial symmetry we expected of our system was $\mathcal{G}$, not $G$?

I thought $\mathcal{G}$ was the symmetry group for our theory, so we always should expect objects to be $\mathcal{G}$-invariant. However II've often seen authors assume $G$-invariance instead.

Perhaps I’ve got something basic wrong here. Or maybe I’m confused because I am interested in SSB for arbitrary gauge theories, while texts like Hamilton often make assumptions I’m not accustomed to (due to their interest in physical applications). For example, Hamilton assumes $G$ is compact and $M$ is Minkowski space (so connected and simply connected) so $P$ is trivial. In this case, I know $\mathcal{G} \simeq \text{Map} \left( M, G \right)$. Perhaps this is why some objects can be said to be $G$-invariant rather than $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?

Recently I’ve been learning about spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) for gauge theories. I’ve stumbled across some really helpful resources, such as Hamilton’s Mathematical Gauge Theory – With Applications to the Standard Model.

However I think I’m getting confused about the symmetries involved. In particular, I’m getting mixed up about when we want something to be $G$-invariant vs $\mathcal{G}$-invariant.

Suppose we have a gauge theory involving:

  • A principal $G$-bundle $P \rightarrow M$ with structure group given by a compact Lie group $G$.
  • A complex representation $\rho: G \rightarrow \text{GL} \left( W \right)$, where $W$ is a finite complex vector space with the standard Hermitian form.
  • The associated vector bundle $E \rightarrow M$ with $E = P \times_{\rho} W$.
  • Gauge group $\mathcal{G}$ of $P$.

In general, my question is this: when do we expect objects in our theory to be $G$-invariant vs $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?

Let me give some examples which have confused me. I know connection 1-forms describe our gauge fields, and sections of $E$ describe our Higgs fields.

  • If we introduce a potential function $V: \Gamma \left( E \right) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ for our Higgs fields, should $V$ be $G$-invariant or $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?
  • Should our Lagrangian be $G$-invariant or $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?
  • Given a vacuum vector $w_0 \in W$, which minimizes $V$, we can define the unbroken subgroup to be the isotropy group / stabilizer $H$ of $w_0$. If $H \subset G$ is a proper subgroup, then we have a spontaneously broken symmetry. However I thought the full initial symmetry we expected of our system was $\mathcal{G}$, not $G$?

I thought $\mathcal{G}$ was the symmetry group for our theory, so we always should expect objects to be $\mathcal{G}$-invariant. However I often seen authors assume $G$-invariance instead.

Perhaps I’ve got something basic wrong here. Or maybe I’m confused because I am interested in SSB for arbitrary gauge theories, while texts like Hamilton often make assumptions I’m not accustomed to (due to their interest in physical applications). For example, Hamilton assumes $G$ is compact and $M$ is Minkowski space (so connected and simply connected) so $P$ is trivial. In this case, I know $\mathcal{G} \simeq \text{Map} \left( M, G \right)$. Perhaps this is why some objects can be said to be $G$-invariant rather than $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?

Recently I’ve been learning about spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) for gauge theories. I’ve stumbled across some really helpful resources, such as Hamilton’s Mathematical Gauge Theory – With Applications to the Standard Model.

However I think I’m getting confused about the symmetries involved. In particular, I’m getting mixed up about when we want something to be $G$-invariant vs $\mathcal{G}$-invariant.

Suppose we have a gauge theory involving:

  • A principal $G$-bundle $P \rightarrow M$ with structure group given by a compact Lie group $G$.
  • A complex representation $\rho: G \rightarrow \text{GL} \left( W \right)$, where $W$ is a finite complex vector space with the standard Hermitian form.
  • The associated vector bundle $E \rightarrow M$ with $E = P \times_{\rho} W$.
  • Gauge group $\mathcal{G}$ of $P$.

In general, my question is this: when do we expect objects in our theory to be $G$-invariant vs $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?

Let me give some examples which have confused me. I know connection 1-forms describe our gauge fields, and sections of $E$ describe our Higgs fields.

  • If we introduce a potential function $V: \Gamma \left( E \right) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ for our Higgs fields, should $V$ be $G$-invariant or $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?
  • Should our Lagrangian be $G$-invariant or $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?
  • Given a vacuum vector $w_0 \in W$, which minimizes $V$, we can define the unbroken subgroup to be the isotropy group / stabilizer $H$ of $w_0$. If $H \subset G$ is a proper subgroup, then we have a spontaneously broken symmetry. However I thought the full initial symmetry we expected of our system was $\mathcal{G}$, not $G$?

I thought $\mathcal{G}$ was the symmetry group for our theory, so we always should expect objects to be $\mathcal{G}$-invariant. However I've often seen authors assume $G$-invariance instead.

Perhaps I’ve got something basic wrong here. Or maybe I’m confused because I am interested in SSB for arbitrary gauge theories, while texts like Hamilton often make assumptions I’m not accustomed to (due to their interest in physical applications). For example, Hamilton assumes $G$ is compact and $M$ is Minkowski space (so connected and simply connected) so $P$ is trivial. In this case, I know $\mathcal{G} \simeq \text{Map} \left( M, G \right)$. Perhaps this is why some objects can be said to be $G$-invariant rather than $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?

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Structure Group vs Gauge Group in Gauge Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking

Recently I’ve been learning about spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) for gauge theories. I’ve stumbled across some really helpful resources, such as Hamilton’s Mathematical Gauge Theory – With Applications to the Standard Model.

However I think I’m getting confused about the symmetries involved. In particular, I’m getting mixed up about when we want something to be $G$-invariant vs $\mathcal{G}$-invariant.

Suppose we have a gauge theory involving:

  • A principal $G$-bundle $P \rightarrow M$ with structure group given by a compact Lie group $G$.
  • A complex representation $\rho: G \rightarrow \text{GL} \left( W \right)$, where $W$ is a finite complex vector space with the standard Hermitian form.
  • The associated vector bundle $E \rightarrow M$ with $E = P \times_{\rho} W$.
  • Gauge group $\mathcal{G}$ of $P$.

In general, my question is this: when do we expect objects in our theory to be $G$-invariant vs $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?

Let me give some examples which have confused me. I know connection 1-forms describe our gauge fields, and sections of $E$ describe our Higgs fields.

  • If we introduce a potential function $V: \Gamma \left( E \right) \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ for our Higgs fields, should $V$ be $G$-invariant or $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?
  • Should our Lagrangian be $G$-invariant or $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?
  • Given a vacuum vector $w_0 \in W$, which minimizes $V$, we can define the unbroken subgroup to be the isotropy group / stabilizer $H$ of $w_0$. If $H \subset G$ is a proper subgroup, then we have a spontaneously broken symmetry. However I thought the full initial symmetry we expected of our system was $\mathcal{G}$, not $G$?

I thought $\mathcal{G}$ was the symmetry group for our theory, so we always should expect objects to be $\mathcal{G}$-invariant. However I often seen authors assume $G$-invariance instead.

Perhaps I’ve got something basic wrong here. Or maybe I’m confused because I am interested in SSB for arbitrary gauge theories, while texts like Hamilton often make assumptions I’m not accustomed to (due to their interest in physical applications). For example, Hamilton assumes $G$ is compact and $M$ is Minkowski space (so connected and simply connected) so $P$ is trivial. In this case, I know $\mathcal{G} \simeq \text{Map} \left( M, G \right)$. Perhaps this is why some objects can be said to be $G$-invariant rather than $\mathcal{G}$-invariant?