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I am creating a report for my physics class and all I have left to do is calculate the standard uncertainty for this formula.

enter image description here$$ \ln \left( \frac{R_{T}}{R_{\infty}} \right) = \ln \left( R_{T} \right) - \ln \left( R_{\infty} \right)$$

From linear regresion iregression I know that enter image description here

= b$\ln \left( R_{\infty} \right) = b$ in one of NTC termistors in case of heating it is u(b) = 0,165193075$u \left( b \right) = 0.165193075$ ( its aits an uncertainty of this val) its caluletedcalculated with REGLIMP fun in exelexcel.

But my uncernityuncertainty for one of NTC termistors in case of heating in R1$R_{1}$ is equal 0,534to $0.534$ so ln(R1)$\ln \left( R_{1} \right)$ for it is negative.

If someone can help iI would very appricateappreciate that.

enter image description here$$ R_{T} = R_{\infty} e^{\frac{W_{g}}{2 k T}} $$

And its a forumalaformula for calculating energy break.

  1. k$k$ - is a Boltzmanna const in eV$eV$
  2. R∞$R_{\infty}$ - resistance at temperature going to infinity
  3. T$T$ - temperature (expressed in Kelvin  )
  4. Wg$W_{g}$ - energy gap value

I am creating a report for my physics class and all I have left to do is calculate the standard uncertainty for this formula.

enter image description here

From linear regresion i know that enter image description here

= b in one of NTC termistors in case of heating it is u(b) = 0,165193075 ( its a uncertainty of this val) its caluleted with REGLIMP fun in exel.

But my uncernity for one of NTC termistors in case of heating in R1 is equal 0,534 so ln(R1) for it is negative.

If someone can help i would very appricate that.

enter image description here

And its a forumala for calculating energy break.

  1. k - is a Boltzmanna const in eV
  2. R∞ - resistance at temperature going to infinity
  3. T - temperature (expressed in Kelvin  )
  4. Wg - energy gap value

I am creating a report for my physics class and all I have left to do is calculate the standard uncertainty for this formula.

$$ \ln \left( \frac{R_{T}}{R_{\infty}} \right) = \ln \left( R_{T} \right) - \ln \left( R_{\infty} \right)$$

From linear regression I know that $\ln \left( R_{\infty} \right) = b$ in one of NTC termistors in case of heating it is $u \left( b \right) = 0.165193075$ (its an uncertainty of this val) its calculated with REGLIMP fun in excel.

But my uncertainty for one of NTC termistors in case of heating in $R_{1}$ is equal to $0.534$ so $\ln \left( R_{1} \right)$ for it is negative.

If someone can help I would very appreciate that.

$$ R_{T} = R_{\infty} e^{\frac{W_{g}}{2 k T}} $$

And its a formula for calculating energy break.

  1. $k$ - is a Boltzmanna const in $eV$
  2. $R_{\infty}$ - resistance at temperature going to infinity
  3. $T$ - temperature (expressed in Kelvin)
  4. $W_{g}$ - energy gap value
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  • 111
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How do I calculate the standard uncertainty? Task on determination of energy gap width of semiconductors

I am creating a report for my physics class and all I have left to do is calculate the standard uncertainty for this formula.

enter image description here

From linear regresion i know that enter image description here

= b in one of NTC termistors in case of heating it is u(b) = 0,165193075 ( its a uncertainty of this val) its caluleted with REGLIMP fun in exel.

But my uncernity for one of NTC termistors in case of heating in R1 is equal 0,534 so ln(R1) for it is negative.

If someone can help i would very appricate that.

enter image description here

And its a forumala for calculating energy break.

  1. k - is a Boltzmanna const in eV
  2. R∞ - resistance at temperature going to infinity
  3. T - temperature (expressed in Kelvin )
  4. Wg - energy gap value