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If I launched a Satellite into orbit and dropped a silver wire caged in carbon fiber with aerodynamic wings (for support), would the faradayFaraday effect of the wire traveling through earth's electromagnetic atmosphere (as the satellite orbits earth) generate alota lot of electricity?

Also, would the wire being in the atmosphere eventually pull the satellite back down to earth?

If I launched a Satellite into orbit and dropped a silver wire caged in carbon fiber with aerodynamic wings (for support), would the faraday effect of the wire traveling through earth's electromagnetic atmosphere (as the satellite orbits earth) generate alot of electricity?

Also, would the wire being in the atmosphere eventually pull the satellite back down to earth?

If I launched a Satellite into orbit and dropped a silver wire caged in carbon fiber with aerodynamic wings (for support), would the Faraday effect of the wire traveling through earth's electromagnetic atmosphere (as the satellite orbits earth) generate a lot of electricity?

Also, would the wire being in the atmosphere eventually pull the satellite back down to earth?

Post Closed as "exact duplicate" by Waffle's Crazy Peanut, user10851, Brandon Enright, Manishearth
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Albert Renshaw
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Faraday Effect, Satellites, and Electromagnetic Atmosphere

If I launched a Satellite into orbit and dropped a silver wire caged in carbon fiber with aerodynamic wings (for support), would the faraday effect of the wire traveling through earth's electromagnetic atmosphere (as the satellite orbits earth) generate alot of electricity?

Also, would the wire being in the atmosphere eventually pull the satellite back down to earth?