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Vincent Thacker's user avatar
Vincent Thacker
  • Member for 6 years, 8 months
  • Last seen this week
What is the benefit of undeleting a question?
It is worth noting that even if the question were undeleted, it will be deleted again by the roomba the next morning unless its score becomes positive or it is reopened.
Duplicate where original is deleted & wrongly marked in the first place
Having been involved in both questions, for the record: The original question (asked in May) was closed but had a score of one which kept it from being deleted. When the OP asked the second question, a moderator closed it as a duplicate of the original, which once again drew attention to the original via the link. The original was then downvoted which caused it to be subsequently deleted by the roomba.
nonsensical downvotes and what to do about them
@KyleKanos I fully agree. Some users go around upvoting every single negatively-scored question, even completely egregious ones.
Why was a temp ban made permanent when I didn't post anything while I was banned?
I understand its frustrating but your last two paragraphs (and your comment above) are false and biased. You, like many other uses who have a problem with this site, make the false assumption that everyone else here is hostile to you, which simply isn't the case. Downvotes/closures/deletions are not primarily intended to be personal attacks on the poster. So please view objectively instead of through tinted glasses.
Why was a temp ban made permanent when I didn't post anything while I was banned?
Another possibility is that one or more of your questions were subsequently downvoted/closed/deleted.
nonsensical downvotes and what to do about them
@hyportnex However I do agree though that basics' (detailed and clear) answers are often downvoted for no justifiable reason. If they suspect targeted downvoting they can raise the issue to staff.
nonsensical downvotes and what to do about them
@hyportnex This issue (of requiring comments for downvotes) has been discussed many times. Just use the search function and you will find many previous posts on the same issue. The problem is that moderators can't do much as they do not have the ability to view and modify votes. Only SE staff have such abilities.
nonsensical downvotes and what to do about them
At the time of this comment, the downvote on the question has been retracted.
Physics site-wide metrics on things like question closure/deletion rates etc?
Note that the Data Explorer does not contain closure reasons (and therefore community-specific reasons).
Site user survey?
@KyleKanos The query being used by OP isn't fully accurate as it is searching in Posts, which doesn't include deleted questions. A large portion of closed questions are deleted after 9 days of inactivity. The query will need to be amended to search in PostsWithDeleted.
Will I be restricted from asking questions on a website if my posts receive no votes but are answered?
To make things worse, some users go around upvoting every single negatively-scored question.
Will I be restricted from asking questions on a website if my posts receive no votes but are answered?
@Proscionexium "People often forget upvoting questions" I completely disagree. It is too easy for questions to receive upvotes. There are many egregious questions that should not have received upvotes that are still upvoted. By "egregious questions" I don't simply mean poorly-worded questions or questions with an easily-found answer. I mean homework dumps and AI-generated nonsense, i.e. the kind of question that should be closed and deleted as soon as possible.
"No chit-chat" vs. "Always be polite"
@glS I think it's a judgement call. If the question is still fresh on the front page, it should be fine. However if not, bumping more than a few posts onto the front page in a short span of time is frowned upon, especially if there is no other improvement than the removal of social plesantries.
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