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Questions tagged [tagging]

Marking images with brief descriptors of location or subjects is known as tagging. These can be added, edited, and queried on in image management software such as Adobe Lightroom, and are also utilized by photo services such as Flickr.

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How do I add multiple tags or keywords in Lightroom using a preset?

I want to add a set of keywords for certain types of photos - typically for a certain flower I want to add as keywords its scientific name, its vernacular name, and the tagד "flower" and &...
Triceratops's user avatar
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What are the ways to quickly sort photos by subject?

In essence, the point is that I mainly upload my photos to Wikipedia, where the main sorting criterion is the object in the photo, i.e what is on the photograph. Unfortunately, the software of the ...
Juandev's user avatar
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IPTC vs XMP: how do they differ

I am quite confused by what IPTC and XMP are used for. I understand that EXIF is for technical information about the image, while IPTC is for actual metadata (with respect to the image, not the file), ...
texnic's user avatar
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Migrating away from Picasa - "Write faces to XMP" changes the hashes of images

I want to migrate from Picasa (to digiKam) and to export the face tags. I tried the experimental feature of writing faces to XMP, and noticed it changes the SHA256 hashes of the files, which I want to ...
Sepp A's user avatar
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Categorizing images using Exiftool

I would like to categorize images in my photo collection with tags describing the image. for example, if the image contains a dog, a cat and a baby, and is taken in a kitchen, the list of tags should ...
JoSSte's user avatar
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is there photo management software that includes tagging and fuzzy dates?

I've been scanning family photographs and am looking for a way to organize them. I'd like to set them up in photo organization software where i can set tags and add dates. Preferably, I'd like the ...
joey jones's user avatar
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ExifTool command (Windows 10) to move files to a separate directory if the modified-date is later than the date-taken

I'm very new to this, please be gentle. My aim is to identify, and separate, original (unamended) photos, from several thousands of amended photos. Often with the same name but different directory. ...
Bella's user avatar
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Transfer Lightroom Classic colour labels to Mac Finder

I have photos in Lightroom Classic on a Mac some of which I have assigned some colour label attributes. How can I transfer these colour labels for the select photos to their location in Finder? This ...
kmacierzanka's user avatar
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How to find photos that do not have any keywords assigned to them in Adobe Bridge?

I'm trying to organize my archive using Adobe Bridge. In one step I messed and moved some untagged photos to another folder that all its photos are already tagged. These photos are parts of my ...
Bahar's user avatar
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Annotating scanned photos so that the results are portable

I've scanned the almost-six-hundred photos in my Dad's family photo albums, but now I need to enter the notes he wrote next to each image, listing people, locations, (approximate) dates, and other ...
Daniel Griscom's user avatar
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Metadata "keywords" or "descriptions" for non-controlled-vocabulary search terms?

I have a bunch of unorganized scanned family photos. I want to add metadata to make them more searchable. I thought I'd mostly use the IPTC keyword field (because ...
Sam's user avatar
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Windows-app to quickly enter iptc keywords

I have scanned thousands of slides. They have no metadata. Is there a windows application to quickly enter iptc keywords for each image? It should be keyboard-driven and have autocomplete suggesting ...
Grastveit's user avatar
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Inconsistent behavior when adding new hierarchical tags in Digikam

Whenever I create a new hierarchical tag in Digikam (right-mouse click on image -> Assign Tag -> Add New Tag) then all hierarchy levels are applied to the image. ...
BayerSe's user avatar
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How do I clean up hierarchical tags when adding new levels in Digikam?

I often find myself restructuring and refining my hierarchical tags in digikam. For instance, assume that an image is assigned ...
BayerSe's user avatar
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How to retrieve tags from "Amazon Photos"?

I recently subscribed to Amazon Prime, which allows me to use Amazon Drive / Amazon Photos. With it, I can upload and store all my images, RAW files included. I was surprised to see that Amazon ...
Olivier's user avatar
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