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Questions tagged [sun]

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2 votes
5 answers

How do I lock the aperture to a small setting so I can focus on the sun with my DSLR's viewfinder?

I have a Nikon D5600 with the Nikkor DX AF-P 70-300mm lens. While taking practice shots of the sun to prepare for the April 8 2024 eclipse, I noticed that even while using a mylar solar filter, the ...
Chaz M's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Is it ok to use IR filter for photographing sun?

I recently purchased cheap IR filter 720nm from Amazon to see whether I will be able to replicate effect with which your camera can see through thin plastic. I was wondering whether it could be also ...
Dom's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Could I have destroyed my Lumix GX80 by taking sun photos?

So I shooted architecture photos during a cloudy day but the lighting was very bright and you could see sun directly in some moments. I was shooting and I noticed that I needed to adjust aperture (...
Josip Vrandečić's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Why does the sun look odd when merging 360° photos to HDR?

I took some 360° photos with my Ricoh Theta SC2 and planned to merge them to make an HDRI but when I put them in Photoshop to merge, this is what the result is I use HDRIs in blender as lighting and ...
desperrrr's user avatar
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Does focal length correlate to the required ND filter in sun photography?

I got my hands on an M42 500mm lens and want to try sun photography. I also have a 2x and a 3x converter, thus I'm able to get a focal length range of 500-3000mm. Back in the day I bought a Baader ...
me123's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Is this a good rule to know when I can shoot the sun? "if the sun is not too bright to look at with naked eye, then it's not too bright for a DSLR" [duplicate]

Most of what I have read about this, say that whether or not the sun is bright enough to harm the DSLR, depends on a lot of factors e.g. time of day, cloud cover etc. What setting aperture, shutter ...
silverrahul's user avatar
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Does this effect around the sun have a name ? How do i get that effect? [duplicate]

What is this effect called? Where there are lines of light rays emanating from the center ? How do i get that effect? Does it need some kind of special lens or filter to get ? Or does it require post ...
silverrahul's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

App that tracks sun AND incorporates topography?

I am looking for an app that will not only track the position of the sun at any given time on any given date at a certain location (like Suncalc or Photo Epherimis) but that ALSO incorporates ...
Mary Catharine Martin's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Hydrogen Alpha Filters (Buying The Right One and How It's Used)

I am looking to purchase my first hydrogen-alpha filter to use for day solar (Sun) photography as I just recently purchased a SkyGuider Pro device. However, upon several bouts of research I am at a ...
osswmi's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Is it safe to video record the sun with a DSLR with a solar filter? [closed]

I've read so far that taking photos of the sun with a DSLR is ok with a sun filter. I'm wondering, is it safe to take videos of the sun with a solar filter on a DSLR?
foamroll's user avatar
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Can it damage eyes and camera when taking photo from Nikon Coolpix B500 during 90-95% solar eclipse?

I'm thinking to take a picture after 2 hours. I don't have any filters and eclipse glasses. All I have a point and shoot camera (Nikon B500 with around 40X zoom). So if I use full zoom, and don't ...
Vikas's user avatar
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2 answers

Prevent ghosting of sun at sunrise

I took picture of sunrise in the mountain and the sun appear inside the mountain. What the name of this effect? is this ghosting due to high luminosity? how can I prevent it ? My setting was : ...
Cyril Durand's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Can it be dangerous to look at the sun through the viewfinder?

A few minutes ago I went outside to take a panorama on my lawn with my DSLR, but I accidentally looked at the sun through the viewfinder. Is that dangerous? I just saw a black spot for about 30 ...
Tornado 77's user avatar
2 votes
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Shooting Solar Eclipse with an ND 100000 Marumi - Mirrorless Camera

My gear: Sony Alpha A6400 (1.5x crop) Mirrorless Camera, Sony 70-200mm f2.8 G lens @ 200mm (300mm after crop), Marumi ND 100,000 Filter. The mirrorless camera does not have a mirror in front of its ...
Niveth Kumar's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Is there anything I can do to capture good landscape shots in bright sunlight?

Whenever I try to take a photo in bright sunlight, I usually end up with something like this: It looks somewhat acceptable, but far from what this scene would look like at sunrise or sunset. Is ...
JonathanReez's user avatar
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Best lighting management under a strong sunny sky with limited gear

I'll be developing a documentary photo and video project on farming communities which live +3000 meters above sea level, based mostly on portraits and images of everyday life. At that elevation, the ...
Lisan's user avatar
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3 answers

How to force my Canon Ixus's flash to flash even when there is enough light?

I have a Canon Ixus 430 (2004). When the room is flooded with sunlight on very sunny days, then the flash refuses to flash (in Manual mode) - it seems assumed that there is enough light without flash....
Floralie's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Is knowing the Sun color temperature enough to get the right white balance?

Assuming the picture is taken at sea level, in direct sunlight (no shadow) under a cloudless sky, and knowing the latitude, day and hour, I can in principle determine the color temperature of sunlight ...
Skippy le Grand Gourou's user avatar
5 votes
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What is the best way to preserve chlorophyll anthotypes?

I'm working on a 19th century photographic process called Anthotype. It basically involves using plant juices that fade when exposed to sunlight. For my light sensitive juice I've choosen concentrated ...
coldSunday's user avatar
3 votes
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Why did I see sunlight reflection in viewfinder but not in final image?

I have a Canon 2000D DSLR with 55-250mm lens and no lens hood. Recently, I took a picture of a tractor that was in nearly the same direction the sun was shining from. However, the sun was sufficiently ...
juhist's user avatar
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My sensors are not working after shooting at sunset sun

I have a Nikon D7000 with a AFS Nikkor 18-200 Dx with VR. I took a pix of the sun going behind a mountain, trying to NOT get the sun directly, but I did. It was 1/3 way down but still bright . The ...
CeeDee's user avatar
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5 answers

Is there an app that shows location-specific times of sunrise, while considering line-of-sight obstructions, such as terrain?

Taking sunrise/sunset pictures at the ocean allows for photographs where the sun is placed just above the horizontal plane. This allows for "red ball of fire" pictures, such as the following by ...
Martin's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

At which focal lengths is it ‘safe’ to have the sun in frame?

I've seen both beautiful wide angle pictures that include the sun as well as camera damage from pointing long lenses at the sun. At which focal lengths is it safe to have the sun in frame? assuming ...
lijat's user avatar
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How did I get I this flare in my photo with the sun in the frame shot with my phone camera?

What caused the square flare above sun? I've read everything I could get my hands on about flare and different types. I have three diffrent photos of the same flare and I'm just looking for a reason ...
Kory Michalicek's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Can I safely photograph the sun through haze

I'm currently near Seattle, and I'm wondering if I can directly photograph the sun through the haze (caused by the smoke from wildfires). The intensity of light coming from the sun isn't as bright at ...
wow1881's user avatar
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Can a camera really "ignite"?

I read this scary warning in a camera manual: Do not point the lens attached to the camera toward the sun. This may cause the camera to malfunction or even ignite due to the magnifying effect of ...
Clickety Ricket's user avatar
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Will my LG G6 be able to clearly capture the solar eclipse corona in a 360 photo?

Will my LG G6 be able to clearly capture the corona in a 360 photo, when the sun is fully eclipsed? I plan on using the 360 mode that comes with the default camera app.
Scott Taylor's user avatar
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What are the best manual settings for shooting a full solar eclipse?

The last time I shot a partial eclipse with my Canon T3i camera, and was maxed out at 1/4000 and between 2.8-4 aperture, do I need to go this extreme for a full eclipse? Any other tips for former ...
Scott Taylor's user avatar
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2 answers

Would recording the solar eclipse from diamond ring to diamond ring damage the T3i?

I am going to be driving to remote Wyoming to capture this solar eclipse. I have a Canon T3i, and a LG G6. My goal is to record diamond ring to diamond ring, and click a few pictures in between, ...
Scott Taylor's user avatar
3 votes
5 answers

Do you need a solar filter for a wide-angle camera?

I'm trying to photograph the eclipse and we already have a solar filter for our telephoto lens. However, we have two cameras so we might as well use them. I've spent a fair amount of time searching ...
user3768258's user avatar

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