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Questions tagged [hdr]

Acronym for High Dynamic Range photography - a method of combining multiple images with varying tonal ranges into a single image that shows a wider range of values (from dark to light) than can be captured in-camera in a single frame.

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2 answers

How to calculate actual bit-levels in a high dynamic range image?

I have two images one is an HDR image created by the Devebec algorithm, and the other is a low dynamic range image, then how can we calculate the actual bit-depth of the images? Both are supposed to ...
4 votes
4 answers

The benefit of 14 stop acquisition when the exhibition is only in SD?

I’ve always wondered what benefit a 14 stop acquisition has when the exhibition will be in SDR which has around 6 stops of dynamic range (according to Wikipedia)? How does the 14 stop image fit into ...
4 votes
4 answers

Fast, lossy compressed, 10 bit image format (Or 12 bit or 16 bit)

I'm looking for an image format to keep my photo archive. Currently I'm keeping compressed DNG + 80% quality JPG. JPG is useful because you can easily convert and manage, is small and is fast to read/...
0 votes
1 answer

How are images combined in High Dynamic Range (HDR)?

I'm not asking about the mechanics of acquiring images or using any particular HDR program. Nor am I asking about tone mapping of the 32-bit HDR image. I'm just after some basic intuition of how the ...
5 votes
3 answers

How to create real HDR image (HEIC/AVIF) from RAW file?

How do I create a shareable HDR image file, in either HEIC or AVIF format, from a RAW? The RAW format should have all the information necessary to create a real HDR image I think. With real HDR I mean ...
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0 answers

How can I batch merge multiple HDR sets of bracketed photos together in Darktable?

How can I batch merge multiple HDR sets of bracketed photos together in Darktable? I have 1,600 photos in a folder. They are all bracketed sets to create HDRs with. They are all in order, and there ...
2 votes
2 answers

Why my HDR photo is so grey and muddy looking?

I am not a pro by any means, I just want to take a nice shot of my apartment for a rental listing. I am using a default setting on my camera to take 3 shots with bracketed exposure and then I assemble ...
6 votes
4 answers

Export photos from Lightroom to leverage HDR display on modern iPhones

If I take a photo with my iPhone 13 Pro Max camera and view it on the phone screen, bright lights and colors appear very strong and vivid like an HDR movie on an HDR TV. This is controlled by a ...
2 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between Digital Blending & HDR technique

I have come across these techniques recently but can't see the point of doing one with a software and another manually with a photoshop tool. Basically what we are achieving is "expected" ...
1 vote
1 answer

Why does HDR setting automatically turns OFF?

I am using Nikon D5600. At times I noticed this feature is disabled and sometimes it is enabled. When it is enabled and set to OFF, I enable it and capture a photo. When I recheck, it is set to OFF ...
3 votes
1 answer

How do you achieve this soft/glowing low-contrast black and white look?

Watched La Haine (4k version) the other day and was captivated by how the British Film Institute gave the film a much lower contrast soft look in comparison to Criterion's hard contrast look. I know ...
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3 answers

Why don't cameras have dynamic sensors

A sensor could have different pixels reset at different time, according to its brightness. It would completely remove the problem of dynamic range, wouldn't it? If a pixel exposure becomes greater ...
8 votes
3 answers

If, brightness → dynamic range... white balance → what?

Different things have different brightness levels. And with a normal camera, when we set more exposure to show details in the shadows, the already existing-details blow out. And vice versa — when we ...
0 votes
0 answers

HDR, exposure fusion, high dynamic range, iPhone

I’m not a photographer but I sometimes take pictures with a phone. As I understand, HDR mode in IPhone’s camera (I have iPhone 5) expands the number of values in a photograph by merging several ...
8 votes
2 answers

Halo in pictures taken with HDR

I have a Pentax K-S2 and whenever I use the A-HDR (advanced HDR) mode, the pictures come out with this strange halo around the edges of objects. Is this normal? .

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