
What are the generally accepted guidelines for iso, f-stop, aperture, etc. that help take better pictures of the stars? In the past I've mostly used a small webcam that fits over the eyepiece of my telescopes, but I can't easily transport a scope (without risking damage to it.) I'm usually looking at individual planets, nebulae, or constellations, but that type of magnification is not really possible with just a camera as far as I know. What settings should I use for targeting star clusters or the whole night sky?

For reference, the camera is a Canon Rebel SL1 and I have 18-55 and 75-300 58mm lenses and a pretty solid tripod.


1 Answer 1


Two general rules:

getting the exposure right: I usually start with f2 shutter speed of 15 seconds and ISO 1600 and adjust form there.

getting no stars trails divide 600 by your effective focal length to get the maximum exposure time for getting stars without trails (for your lens at the widest setting: 18mm, gives a 28mm effective full frame focal length, so a maximum of around 20 seconds exposure time in order to not get star trails)


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