
I'm taking a lot of RAW photos lately and I need a simple but convenient way to organize them. I saw a lot of tools to sort JPG images using EXIF informations, but none of them actually works with RAW files... Don't know why since a JPG is embedded by design in each RAW.

Anyway, does someone knows about a way to do this? A simple command line based script is fine, I just need something that reads the images in a folders and organize them in sub-folders based on the time the photo was taken.


1 Answer 1


Exiftool reads many raw formats.

You can use a command similar to this one to rename your photo files :

exiftool '-filename<CreateDate' -d %y%m%d_%H%M%S%%-c.%%le -r -ext cr2  /path/to/pictures

Change cr2 to whatever your raw extension is, and /path/to/pictures to the desired folder. Once renamed, you can sort them by name. There are more examples here.

Note that reading raw files will probably always be a moving target since the formats are usually proprietary and camera manufacturers can change them as they please, but ExifToool seems to support so many of them that you're probably covered.

  • \$\begingroup\$ Thank you very much. In the section "3. Move or Copy image files into folders by year and month " of the page you linked I found a way to oorganize the files in folders too, with this one command: exiftool '-Directory<CreateDate' -d /media/ingest/newfolder/%y/%y%m -r /media/ingest/oldfolder Thank you very much, now I'm done with all the images I have around :) \$\endgroup\$
    – a_bet
    Commented Jul 20, 2017 at 7:53

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