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What is the difference between a Belief and Truth

It’s a classic epistemology question. Truth is a true state that exists objectively. When something is truth ,it must be true. Belief is a proposition which we believe subjectively.This proposition ...
Rrravi's user avatar
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What is the difference between a Belief and Truth

Objectively speaking, there is no truth, only belief and meaning. What is true? Do statements like "the shortest straight-line distance between two points" count? You can use a lot of ...
Mike Song's user avatar
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Where do we go if we gain knowledge of the absolute truth?

There are many absolute truths: There are no round squares. There are no square circles. All bachelors are unmarried. Knowledge of these absolute truths has not had a profound influence on my life. In ...
Idiosyncratic Soul's user avatar
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In moral philosophy, how do researchers perceive what is right and wrong (and why)? (For humanity, as a whole)

Humanity involves collective cultures , societies and civilisation that humans have built. There are different moral and ethical values. Therefore we can not talk about absolute right and wrong for ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
1 vote

In moral philosophy, how do researchers perceive what is right and wrong (and why)? (For humanity, as a whole)

There's also the "Golden Rule". The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as one would want to be treated by them. Source There are various sayings and translations that have a ...
Artfaith's user avatar
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In moral philosophy, how do researchers perceive what is right and wrong (and why)? (For humanity, as a whole)

It is impossible to answer this question without identifying the subject of this qualification (right or wrong). A human individual or a group of human individuals History of humanity as a whole ...
TheMatrix Equation-balance's user avatar
4 votes

In moral philosophy, how do researchers perceive what is right and wrong (and why)? (For humanity, as a whole)

The most common idea is called Common Sense Convergence. Although there are variations, in general humans tend to move towards, adopt, favor, defend and justify things that work for them and feel ...
Scott Rowe's user avatar
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In moral philosophy, how do researchers perceive what is right and wrong (and why)? (For humanity, as a whole)

"What is the most common idea behind right and wrong across all religions, philosophers, and beliefs?" There isn't one. There is a huge variation. This is the central question of what is ...
Bumble's user avatar
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Where do we go if we gain knowledge of the absolute truth?

There's an old Buddhist parable that applies here: Before enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment; chop wood, carry water. Grasping absolute truth (the Western analog of ...
Ted Wrigley's user avatar
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Where do we go if we gain knowledge of the absolute truth?

If we attain absolute knowledge, then it will change our belief system, it will affect how we interact with each other. For many people absolute knowledge has already been achieved. For example- ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
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Where do we go if we gain knowledge of the absolute truth?

Where do we go if we gain knowledge of the absolute truth? The answer is: You are a human. You cannot gain absolute truth. You would go insane, or your head would explode. Something created this world....
birdpoolcleaner's user avatar
3 votes

Is there a difference between "true" and "real"?

Typically, "truth" is used to describe propositions, while "real" is used to describe the existence of a thing. If X is "real" then the proposition "X exists" ...
Lowri's user avatar
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Where do we go if we gain knowledge of the absolute truth?

You ask: Where do we go if we gain knowledge of the absolute truth? Well, you are starting your philosophical career in the right place, among philosophers, so Philosophy StackExchange is a good ...
J D's user avatar
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Where do we go if we gain knowledge of the absolute truth?

Unfortunately you do not tell us what you consider the characteristics of “the absolute truth”. Hence I answer your question under the assumption to consider an absolute truth to be a proposition ...
Jo Wehler's user avatar
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Is there a difference between "true" and "real"?

One amongst many interpretations of the "real" and the "true", posted mainly to show the diversity available. (Since postmodernism the meanings are less rigid.) In the quote below, ...
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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Is there a difference between "true" and "real"?

“True” and “real” deal with different aspects of understanding and interacting with the world. “True” concerns with accuracy and validity of statements or beliefs in representing narratives within the ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar
-1 votes

Is there a difference between "true" and "real"?

Outside any defined scope, you can argue that nothing is true and nothing is real, including God and our reality. But in a more practical circumstance, for example, in the scope of your conciseness, ...
TheMatrix Equation-balance's user avatar
1 vote

Is identity the consciousness or merely something emerging into consciousness by its close proximity to the intelligence and its process?

One of the fundamental distinctions between eastern and western modes of philosophizing is that the former distinguishes consciousness from the content of consciousness. By the (vanilla) western ...
Rushi's user avatar
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Is identity the consciousness or merely something emerging into consciousness by its close proximity to the intelligence and its process?

If you say “I am the consciousness “ then it is an incorrect perception. Consciousness is impermanent. Consciousness arises , changes (while persisting) and vanishes. Any attachment to consciousness ...
SacrificialEquation's user avatar

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