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Questions tagged [nietzsche]

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) was a German philosopher and poet. Nietzsche is consistently one of the most widely-read philosophers, even among laymen; yet his work is often elliptical, even cryptic, and demands an unusual discipline with respect to reading and thinking. This contradiction may give some sense of the complexity and profundity of Nietzsche's powerful writing and explosive style. Much of his work can be understood as critique of nihilism.

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Nietzsche on subconscious self-justification

What is the quotation of Nietzsche where he says that he found himself somehow subconsciously lying to himself in order to feel better about something he did?
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What was Neitzche calling "old frigid and tedious frogs"?

After the first paragraph of the first essay of On the Genealogy of Morals, Nietzsche discusses how English psychologists may be motivated to study the darker side of "our inner world". Then ...
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(1) Who was Nietzsche quoting in this passage, and (2) what is it saying?

This is a quotation from section 18 of First division: First and Last Things in Nietzsches Human, All Too Human: When the history of the rise of thought comes to be written, a new light will be ...
PhysPhil's user avatar
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What does Nietzsche mean in this quote from The Gay Science?

I struggle to interpret this quote from Chapter 1, Book 1 of The Gay Science. If someone could explain what he is trying to say (especially with the first part), it would be much appreciated. To ...
Question Asker's user avatar
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Hegelian dialectic to transcend Stoic vs Nietzsche?

I would like to apply Hegel's dialectic to the following thesis/antithesis and that you help me find sublimating synthesis ideas. Here is the thesis: "to live a happy life, you must accept your ...
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Why is Nietzsche an important philosopher?

Can someone explain to me why Nietzsche is an important philosopher? To be honest, I am interested in analytic philosophy and I want to to how much valuable the Nietzsche's ideas are from analytical ...
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Eternal recurrence and free will

In rereading Nietzsche, I had a question: Is Nietzsche a determinist? As far as I understand from reading Beyond Good and Evil, it follows that it does not, for Nietzsche himself, as I understand it, ...
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Does Nietzscean eternal return make sense in light of modern science?

Nietzsche scholars and some major continental philosophers (Deleuze) take the idea of eternal recurrence seriously. Why? Modern science (especially chaos theory) showed that the notion of eternal ...
Dennis Kozevnikoff's user avatar
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Was Nietzsche a strong proponent of machoism and traditional masculinity?

Was Nietzsche a strong proponent of machoism and traditional masculinity? Some quotes from Nietzsche on those matters: "With the growing indulgence of love matches, the very foundation of ...
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What is the justification for Deleuze's 3rd synthesis of time?

In Difference and Repitition by Deleuze, he comes up with 3 syntheses of time. The first being habitus, which is the conditioning of actual experience through pre-existing material patterns for the ...
TCoff's user avatar
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How does fight club counter Nietzsche? [closed]

So it seems obvious to me the fight club critiques nietzsches school of thought. However, since it is a work of art I worry I may have missed all the points it makes. Can someone enlist them? The ...
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Quote from Nietzsche on modernity and culture

I can't find a passage from one of Nietzsche's book (Thus Spoke Zarathustra?) about its opinion on modernity (the age he was contemporean of) and culture. As far as I recall, the idea was that his ...
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Were Caesar's murderers more powerful than him?

Nietzsche seems to think that power is the greatest virtue Only as image of the highest virtue came gold to the highest value. Goldlike, beameth the glance of the bestower. Gold-lustre maketh peace ...
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Is transvaluation supposed to be some sort of intuitive aesthetic judgment akin to moral ones

Is transvaluation supposed to be some sort of intuitive aesthetic judgment akin to moral ones, and can someone be mistaken in their judgments of value? In what sense then is transvaluation not ...
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Does Nietzsche's statement “God is dead” imply that morality ceases to exist?

I’ve always been a little confused about this. If God is dead then somehow humans lose all their morals and any human actions are permitted, right?. This doesn’t quite make a whole lot of sense to me. ...
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