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Is it possible to argue that the world is good from a theists perspective?

In all Abrahamic religions it is taught that everything that God does is for the good. Is it philosophically possible to argue that our universe is good without arguing from the perspective of a ...
Arcanus's user avatar
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What does Nietzsche refer to with the "backworldsmen"?

I'm a rookie to philosophical thinking but trying my best to understand the concepts. I'd be appreciated if you could enlighten me about this: In Chapter 3 of Thus Spake Zarathustra, he is addressing ...
goodyonsen's user avatar
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How would Nietzsche argue against classical theism?

Completely out of curiosity, how would someone like Nietzsche, let's use him as an example, argue against Aquinas's metaphysical argument for classical theism. I can't seem to find any references in ...
David Smith's user avatar
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Which contemporary philosophers explicitly engage with Nietzsche's statement that "God is dead"?

Which contemporary theorists, especially of art or poetry, explicitly and deliberately engage with Nietzsche's statement that "God is dead"? Obviously Nietzsche has had a huge influence on post / ...
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What confirms the claim that Friedrich Nietzsche was an atheist from a christian perspective?

In reading some of Nietzsche's works, his disappointment with humanity and God is evident to me. But so far I haven't seen any text by him where he explicitly endorses atheism. At the same time, many ...
Delfino's user avatar
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Must infinity involve repetitions?

Infinity for Nietzsche in at least one line of argument involves the eternal return; he refers to it in the Die fröhliche Wissenschaft and Also sprach Zarathustra; most completely in his Notes on the ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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Nietzsche - crime, sin and punishments

Deleuze in Nietzsche and Philosophy wrote: In comparison with Christianity the Greeks are children. Their way of depreciating existence, their 'nihilism', does not have the perfection of the ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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What, for Nietzsche, is a noble death?

This thread Why is Nietzsche so against Socrates? on Socrates and Jesus's death and the article that I linked to there, got me glibly wondering... In Human, All to Human, Nietzsche says that How ...
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"Saving" Nietzsche?

Nietzsche claims we must say "yes" to life, and be healthy and strong that way. But he also makes scathing remarks both in Zarathustra and in his late notebooks, about the Biblical maxim "thou shalt ...
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Nietzsche, Christ & Christianity

In the Twilight of the Idols, Nietzsche buries Christianity but praises Christ - calling him the only Christian. Is he calling him a Christian in the tautological sense in being the founding figure ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar
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Is there any influence from Hegels Master-Slave dialectic towards Nietzsches Master & Slave morality, or oppositely?

Hegel discusses the parable of the slave & master in his Phenomenology of Spirit. In the form of a hegelian dialectic, this takes the form thesis=slave, antithesis=master and synthesis=equals. ...
Mozibur Ullah's user avatar