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Questions tagged [moral-realism]

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2 votes
1 answer

The Self-Undermining Arguments from Disagreement

I recently watched this video (this paper seems to argue the same thing), where, near the end of the video, a very interesting argument against the Argument from Disagreement (where, moral skeptics ...
4 votes
2 answers

If moral statements aren't supposed to be reports of objective facts, does the practice of "fallacy checking" apply to moral arguments?

Maybe this is just a case of Jörgensen’s dilemma, but so I was reading the SEP article about feminist perspectives on argumentation, more specifically this passage: The difficulty some philosophers ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Why are most philosophers moral realists? [duplicate]

I’m having trouble understanding this. Moral realism is the position that morality is independent of subjective opinion. But how can this be if only we care about what’s moral? Lions are ripping other ...
5 votes
4 answers

How can a moral antirealist make moral normative claims?

So as I understand it, normative ethics asked questions like, "what should I do?" whereas metaethics asks... "what makes something good or bad." What I'm confused about is... if ...
0 votes
4 answers

Does any strand, school, or proponent of moral realism say anything about what happens to moral offenders?

Suppose that: (some form of) moral realism is true, that is, there exists at least some moral claims/assertions/principles that are themselves 'true', in some adequate sense a person knows/is aware ...
6 votes
3 answers

Moral Non-Realists Responses to Suffering

It seems to me that one possible grounding for objective morality is in the inherent badness of suffering. Suffering is inherently bad, I believe, by definition, and non-instrumental suffering could ...
1 vote
2 answers

Can rocks suffer on panpsychism?

On panpsychism, everything has consciousness. If so, does it entail that all entities in the universe, such as rocks, bricks, plants, water, air, etc., can experience suffering? If this holds, what ...
4 votes
2 answers

Can moral realism, physicalism, and physical causal closure be all true at the same time?

For illustrative purposes, let X be the set of all instances where Bob has tortured and eaten babies alive for fun. (Also assume that X is non-empty, to avoid trivial responses.) Suppose that ...
2 votes
6 answers

Morality is subjective?

I tend to believe that morality isn't all subjective. Society objectifies morality and keep a distinction between good and bad. So even if a person felt (subjective) what he was doing was right, ...
4 votes
0 answers

Can erotetic logic be used to devise a noncognitivist moral realism?

The IEP article on moral realism says that noncognitivist realism is logically possible, but goes on to assess the one attempt at such a position (Bruce Waller's) thusly: Waller’s divide-and-conquer ...
3 votes
0 answers

Physicalist Critiques of Error Theory

Mackie’s Error Theory makes two parallel arguments that moral qualities have no place in a naturalistic understanding of our universe. That (1) such a bizarre epistemic power unlike any other we ...
2 votes
1 answer

Is imaginative resistance evidence against, or for, moral fictionalism?

There's an entry in the SEP called "Imaginative Resistance" which goes over an account of a problem with our ability to entertain moral counterfactuals: The phenomenon of “imaginative ...
2 votes
0 answers

Can morality based in pragmatism delay moral progress?

I read a recent paper about trophy hunting. In it, the authors have a footnote that argues against people who oppose trophy hunting on the basis that it is absolutely wrong. The authors write: "...
3 votes
2 answers

Moral Error Theory questions

The following is a quote taken from: The error theorist doesn’t think that torturing innocent people is morally wrong, but doesn’t think ...
0 votes
0 answers

What should I read to deepen my understanding about 'relativism and anti-realism'?

After some discussion, I noticed the philosophical questions I want to explore are mainly ideas that take a relativist and anti-realist point of view. (whether when it comes to morals, or concepts ...

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