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Questions tagged [merleau-ponty]

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2 answers

What image to get an intuition of quantum interference? [closed]

I'm not unaware that formalism alone employs the right concepts to understand what quantum superposition is, and the interference it makes possible. Nevertheless, I'd like to know what images, in the ...
Husserliana's user avatar
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What is the idea of flux?

Merleau-Ponty suggests that something in a state of motion takes on a different structure to something at rest. Heraclitus says you cannot step into the same river twice. Physics today suggests that ...
DanielFBest's user avatar
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According to theories of embodiment, am I in all my body?

According to theories of embodiment, am I in all my body? Am I in my fingernails and teeth, even when I do not feel them? If I pick up a large stick, then am I in the stick, when I poke things with it?...
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What was Merleau-Ponty a realist about?

He was stricly speaking neither a materialist nor idealist, but sought to unveil the pre-theoretical layer on which both of these idealizations find their relative justification Does that mean ...
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Thoughts on Merleau-Ponty's account of imagination?

From what I gather, MP denies the usual opposition between perception and imagination. According to MP, imagination doesn’t occur after one perceives something, but rather imagination is a key ...
Ericleast992's user avatar
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What is the meaning of this aphorism by Merleau-Ponty

What is the meaning of this aphorism by Merleau-Ponty We are condemned to meaning, and we cannot do or say anything without its acquiring a name in history and is it true?
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Why did Nietzsche say he would not live his life again?

Why did Nietzsche say he would not live his life again? Kaufman Gay Science p. 19 introduction... “Nietzsche in ... one of his notes... “I do not want life again. How did I endure it? ...
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What is Merleau-Ponty's "perceptual faith"?

What is Merleau-Ponty's "perceptual faith"? Can it be summarized in a series of propositions, or is it less amenable to systematization than that?
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Did Maurice Mearleau-Ponty really say this quote?

I found this quote in the book "At the Existentialist Cafe" by Sarah Bakewell, but I cannot find a confirmation of its authenticity anywhere else on the internet. Perhaps it's a unique translation? ...
John Allard's user avatar
5 votes
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Starting on Husserl and Merleau-Ponty

I'm taking undergraduate studies in Social Sciencies and because of a research I'm working on I started to read Merleau-Ponty's Phenomenology of Perception and realized that this book requires a ...
Jinx Vilhas's user avatar
7 votes
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What does the "essence of time" mean for Merleau-Ponty?

“it is of the essence of time to be not only actual time, or time which flows, but also time which is aware of itself … the archetype of the relationship of self to self” What does he mean by '...
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5 votes
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In what ways is Merleau-Ponty following (late/unpublished) Husserl?

... or, to put it differently: to what extent has Husserl already ancitipated in his unpublished writings what Merleau-Ponty has been developing later? The standard narrative goes that Husserl ...
jan's user avatar
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