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Is there a difference between "there is" versus "there exists"?

I have heard the phrases "there is" and "there exists" used interchangeably, but I am now wondering, is there a difference between them, and if so, what is it? Also, have ...
user107952's user avatar
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Looking for a specific joke about arguments for Meinongianism

I remember reading a book (or a paper) some time ago, that had a line somewhat like this: There are good arguments for Meinongianism. They just don't exist. Now, I find this very funny and find ...
snofelet's user avatar
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Explaining the existence of the cosmos

The following is a reference request, not an invitation for argument. However, I do welcome argument if that's what you feel like doing. By the "cosmos" I mean all that exists---not just physical ...
Ben W's user avatar
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Wanted references to the Phillip K Dick Total Recall (1990) paradox

The movie Total Recall 1990 was inspired by the book "We Can Remember It for You Wholesale" written by Philip K. Dick whose leading role was played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. The storyline is about a ...
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Are there philosophers who argue for a close connection between consciousness and existence?

(I'm not entirely satisfied with this question because I can't quite express it clearly, but a personal experience has moved me to ask it. I know it may be too vague or general.) The consciousness my ...
Adam Sharpe's user avatar
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Philosophy of dreams

According to some eastern teachings (Tantric, Buddhist, etc) it's a good thing to ponder and meditate on dreams: Dream 1 A person dreams of finding money or gold or any other luxuries. This ...
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Is Kant's postulate of the existence of God a metaethical assumption?

Also, I would like to get some bibliographical reference about Kantian metaethics.
Valentina Maggi's user avatar
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Wanted: literature on the ethics of creating a fake world (The morality of God)

WARNING (reader discretion is advised. Don't do these experiments if you are not familiar with existential philosophy or if you suffer from some mental disorder) This question is subtle. I think ...
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Descartes's cogito falls short [duplicate]

I just started learning philosophy at school, so please forgive me if what I say sounds naive or has been disproved by philosophers. Basically, the teacher said that Descartes said "I think therefore ...
user27928's user avatar
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Are we all living in a "Black Box" and may we ever be able to make the world to serve our purpose?

This world is a "Black Box" in essence. If we want to know how it works, we will be lost. We can only find our way if we strive how to use the world to serve our purpose. The very same notion is true ...
Maxood's user avatar
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Is existence a feature of life? Can a stone exist without life to recognize it?

First of all I would like to make clear I am not an expert in philosophy. With the question "Is existence a feature of life?" I mean the following: Could something exist without the presence of an ...
Derso's user avatar
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Absolute Truth - Is there existence?

I restate the question in a simpler and more specific way; is there a proof or has a philosopher proved, that things can be absolute and observed by each in the same way? Are there like conserved ...
Sider's user avatar
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What does it mean for an object to exist?

In many cases, we ask questions if something already exists! Many times, I ask myself, What does the term even mean? What does it mean to exist? What are common answers to this question and where ...
FNH's user avatar
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What is the analytic-synthetic dilemma concerning existence?

Reading a paper on Descartes I found the following summary of criticism: Stuart Hampshire, on the one hand, emphasizing the indubitability required of the principle by Descartes, concludes that ...
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