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Questions tagged [being]

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2 answers

What is the difference in concrete things between being and existing, or is there none?

I am supposing that being and existence must correspond to principles in concrete things, else the notions of being and existence are false precisely because they are attributed to things. So what ...
ConformalSymmetry's user avatar
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Is consciousness a means of our species or a consequence of accumulated knowledge? [closed]

Consciousness for me is you being conscious of being in a body. It separates from the human body, for me, consciousness is the "being" of the "human being". So, is it a means of ...
Augosto's user avatar
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What do you think about all existence following the very same laws? [closed]

So, i was wondering: Planets, Stars, etc. Have a similar behavior to us, humans. I mean, they consume energy to stay "alive" and when this energy ends up they "die". And in the end ...
Augosto's user avatar
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Certainty for the existence of tomorrow?

The title might not be the best but it was the best I could do. The question presses on the matter of continuity of time and the necessity of existence as a connected metaphysical phenomena. Just like ...
How why e's user avatar
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3 answers

What did Plato and Plotinus mean by "beyond being?"

The question is exactly what the title says. Plato, in the Republic, famously referred to the Good as "beyond being in power and dignity," and Plotinus later expounded this assertion in his ...
Johnathan Green's user avatar
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Classifying the ethical characteristics of entities by cognitive properties, non-human-specific

I am wondering if any theorists have developed a way of classifying entities by their cognitive properties in order to build general theories such as ethics, based on such properties. It should ...
Julius Hamilton's user avatar
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Are Sartre's In-itself and For-itself pure concepts?

I take the In-itself and For-itself (in reading Being and Nothingness) to be entirely distinct concepts, much like a priori and a posteriori concepts. However, with the later, I'm given to understand ...
DanielFBest's user avatar
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What is beyond time? [closed]

In asking this question many people seemed to think I was talking about time before the big bang. While there are similarities, this is not what I mean. In quantum mechanics it has been found that ...
DanielFBest's user avatar
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The Real Problem of Being [closed]

Suppose you come into existence as a human named Tom. The Creator tells you the one and only rule of the universe: be who you choose to be. This is fun. You design yourself, and you choose you hair ...
Fomalhaut's user avatar
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Can any given hypothetical being suffer from not coming into existence, if we consider that there is an infinite variation of them?

The question sounds like a direct contradiction on its own, since a being that does not exist does not have the capacity to suffer. However, most cultures have evolved, for obvious reasons, towards ...
Qwokker's user avatar
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Looking for a specific joke about arguments for Meinongianism

I remember reading a book (or a paper) some time ago, that had a line somewhat like this: There are good arguments for Meinongianism. They just don't exist. Now, I find this very funny and find ...
snofelet's user avatar
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3 answers

Justifying God's existence by our existence

I have a friend that claims to be theist because they exist and it's extremely unlikely for them (and the Universe, their experience of life, etc.) to exist. They say that it would be simpler (for ...
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Traditionally in philosophy, anything that can be said to be is a being

True or false? Does this mean that tables and chairs, rivers and rocks, by virtue of the fact that they exist, can be called 'beings'?
Wayfarer's user avatar
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Does "Being-with-others" have an antonym?

Does "Being-with-others" have an antonym? If I, you or it did not have "Being-with-others" then what would that be? Just to illustrate what the phrase can mean, here's two quotes ...
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What is 'Being'?

So far, being is what beings do, maybe. What is it? E.g. as the Bishop of Berkeley might align with, (Being & Time, page 61) Being, as the basic theme of philosophy, is no class or genus of ...
Chris Degnen's user avatar
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