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Questions tagged [dialectic]

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Could NIetzsche be read as saying Aufheben is the meaning of life?

It is unclear what the 'will to power' means, and if it is about the world The will to power doctrine seems to claim that everything that exists rests fundamentally on an underlying basis of “...
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Where might I find the Socratic dialogue on the mythical story of private property/homesteading?

I read a great story awhile back about a group of philosophers who approached Socrates with a question regarding the rights of private property and if a man could rightly own land on a world that ...
Lance Weisser's user avatar
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Hegel's Master and slave dialectic interpretation

Hi I am not sure wether my interpretation is correct. Could someone please correct this if they see any mistakes in it. Hegel's master/slave dialectic 1) Starts of with a self consciousness, the ‘I ...
PDT's user avatar
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In Hegelian Dialectic is an antithesis ever a shift in the status quo, or only an opposition to the status quo?

I am trying to understand how the Hegelian dialectic evolves over time. I will use tn (where n is a constant integer) informally, such that tn+2 - tn+1 is not necessarily the same duration as tn+1 - ...
user40715's user avatar
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Is Hegel's sublation a gateway to Deleuze's Difference and Repetition?

I am trying to find the best vantage point from which to penetrate Difference and Repetition. Is Deleuze's title not just another way of saying "aufheben" (Hegelian sublation)? What is the relation ...
user39823's user avatar
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What's this historiographic method of argumentation used by Foucault?

I heard that Foucault, the French philosopher, uses this historiographic method of argumentation. What is this and is this a method of argumentation like Socrate's dialectic (not saying that they are ...
Sayaman's user avatar
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How do logicians think about Hegel's logic

I was told, a while ago now, that if I wanted to study Hegel, even Hegelian Marxism, I'd be best off studying his logic first. Having recently asked this question I was wondering how do contemporary ...
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Extreme examples for exploring the scope of statements - does this technique have a name? - Is it a fallacy?

When discussing opinions with friends, I often resort to making extreme scenarios out of their opinions in an attempt to investigate the limits within which their statements hold true (to them). ...
FotisK's user avatar
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Questions concerning the Hegelian dialectic

How exactly did Hegel describe the dialectic and what [historical] examples, if any, did he offer to sustain it? Please, provide sourced quotes. I will attempt to summarize my understanding of what ...
useranonis's user avatar
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How to build up clear ideas

I was reading Descartes' Rules for the direction of mind and noticed how clear are his ideas. I would love to speak in that way, where every sentence is a necessary step to climb up the final idea. ...
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How do I differentiate between synchronic and dialectic approaches?

Marx has often been said to be using dialectic method and structuralism synchronic. Can someone, with examples, explain the two terms/approaches to me?
user33377's user avatar
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is there an any practical application of dialectical materialism?

Are out there practical applications of dialectical materialism? something on sciences, engineering or art?
Darwin's user avatar
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What does Kierkegaard think the self is?

At the beginning of the first chapter of The Sickness Unto Death we find the paragraph Man is spirit. But what is spirit? Spirit is the self. But what is the self? The self is a relation which ...
Canyon's user avatar
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Could a Marxist claim that interpreting the world is all that a Marxist vanguard can do (but that the working class can still change it)? [closed]

Could a Marxist claim that interpreting the world is all that a Marxist vanguard can do, but that the working class can still change it? Marx, quite famously, said that philosophers have only ...
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What is Hegelian dialectic of good and evil and how does it relate to binary opposition in structuralism?

What relation does the Hegelian dialectic have to the structuralist notion of binary opposition? If it has any, where does the synthesis fit in to the dualistic nature of the structuralist system? ...
martin's user avatar
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