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does Hegel's Dialectical Materialism needs justification when we re-examine the notion of "opposite" and whether that's a fact of the world?

Hegel basically says thesis-antithesis-synthesis, and this works because there are opposition of ideas or there are contradictions Derrida also uses concepts like "binary oppositions" he ...
Parsa Fakhar's user avatar
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How is Hegel's dialectic a logic?

There are several features of this account that Hegel thinks raise his dialectical method above the arbitrariness of Plato’s dialectics to the level of a genuine science. First, because the ...
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According to Horkheimer and Adorno, how is the Enlightenment Dialectical?

In 1947 the Frankfurt School philosophers Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno published their seminal work "Dialektik der Aufklärung", first translated to English in 1972 as "Dialectic ...
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What does Hegel mean by “return to itself”?

I am reading a secondary source that has a section dedicated to Hegel. It says “For Hegel, the whole of history is such a dialectical process—one that is driven by Geist returning to itself, having “...
Anthony Fallone's user avatar
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Relation of dialectics, as of Hegel and Marx, toward Enlightenment liberalism

I wish to understand how Hegelian dialectics, further carried, through Marxism, from an idealist to materialist orientation, positions itself with respect to the Enlightenment and liberalism. It is ...
brainchild's user avatar
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What does it exactly mean to be a Hegelian in terms of politics what are they opposed to?

Does it simply mean viewing the progression of history as dialectic where internal contradictions within the imagining of a thesis sort themselves out dialectically ? Does it mean a belief in ...
ashRawls's user avatar
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Fredric Jameson's "Dialectical Sentences"

Fredric Jameson is one of the few hard line Marxists in America today. He writes extensively on topics about capitalism, postmodernity, etc, all through the lens of Hegelian/Marxist dialectics, which ...
John Smith's user avatar
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What is meant by “dialectical overcoming”?

In Alexandre Kojéve’s Introduction to Hegel, the author is explaining, in the first chapter, about the self-consciousness of a human as it is originated only in the presence of another human. He says ...
ConGovDeIn's user avatar
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Did Hegel impact future philosophers by showing them how to view concepts as thesis/antithesis pairs?

I'm trying to understand Hegel's impact on future thinkers. It can be difficult to read philosophical ideas and ascertain how they had "real world" impact, which includes impact on future ...
djechlin's user avatar
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Hegel's Master and slave dialectic interpretation

Hi I am not sure wether my interpretation is correct. Could someone please correct this if they see any mistakes in it. Hegel's master/slave dialectic 1) Starts of with a self consciousness, the ‘I ...
PDT's user avatar
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In Hegelian Dialectic is an antithesis ever a shift in the status quo, or only an opposition to the status quo?

I am trying to understand how the Hegelian dialectic evolves over time. I will use tn (where n is a constant integer) informally, such that tn+2 - tn+1 is not necessarily the same duration as tn+1 - ...
user40715's user avatar
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Is Hegel's sublation a gateway to Deleuze's Difference and Repetition?

I am trying to find the best vantage point from which to penetrate Difference and Repetition. Is Deleuze's title not just another way of saying "aufheben" (Hegelian sublation)? What is the relation ...
user39823's user avatar
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How do logicians think about Hegel's logic

I was told, a while ago now, that if I wanted to study Hegel, even Hegelian Marxism, I'd be best off studying his logic first. Having recently asked this question I was wondering how do contemporary ...
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Questions concerning the Hegelian dialectic

How exactly did Hegel describe the dialectic and what [historical] examples, if any, did he offer to sustain it? Please, provide sourced quotes. I will attempt to summarize my understanding of what ...
useranonis's user avatar
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What is the role of subject and object in human history, according to Hegel?

What is the role of subject and object in human history, according to Hegel? I'm asking for two reasons, one a little inane, and the second a little naive. I'm wondering how much of our cultural ...
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