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Questions tagged [cause-and-effect]

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3 votes
5 answers

Is Everything in Time Subject to Cause and Effect?

Is the universe wholly deterministic, with every event in time being a result of a specific cause, or might some events occur independently of prior causes? I’m seeking to understand if cause and ...
george orwell's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

upward downward topdown bottomup causation

can u tell me more about upward and downward causation . Is it same as bottom up and top down causation. What about one cause having lot of effects and one effect having lot of causes ? Any chart/...
quanity's user avatar
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How do complex propositions and Aristotle's logic work?

Is it allowed to create a syllogism with complex propositions? Here is my example where P is a sequence of actions and M is a final cause. S = "Cake maker" P = "Finding of ingredients, ...
r0k1m's user avatar
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Is this Barbara syllogism of a final cause right?

Hi i'm trying to learn how to make an explanation of a final cause in the form of a Barbara syllogism but I don't know if I have the terms in the right order. The Barbara definition I'm using is from ...
r0k1m's user avatar
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3 votes
7 answers

Can something occur without a cause in time?

The reason I use the term in time is because time supposedly had a beginning or was finite in the past and started at t = 0. So perhaps one can reasonably argue that at that point it wasn’t within ...
Baby_philosopher's user avatar
4 votes
6 answers

Can there be unpredictable effects with a cause?

Suppose that we know that B has a cause. Does this imply that there must be a way to predict when B happens in principle through scientific laws or some other mechanism? Or no? When I think about it, ...
Baby_philosopher's user avatar
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Which one of Aristotle's four causes is this?

Consider this exchange spoken in a hypothetical dialogue about man choosing his own personality: Every phlegmatic man is made when he realizes that his original fiery disposition will become his own ...
Fomalhaut's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What logical arguments have been made to say an effect cannot be greater than its cause?

I'm currently writing a paper on Descartes argument for God based on his third meditation. One premise of the argument that seems fairly important is the claim that "no effect can be greater than ...
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