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Questions tagged [argumentation]

The construction, deconstruction and presentation of arguments for a position;

3 votes
2 answers

Deductive argument in which every step and premises are explicitly stated?

Is there in philosophy a word/term describing an argument in which all the premises and rules for derivation from those premises are stated explicitly so that even a computer can check it? I know that ...
TKN's user avatar
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How is this specific type of argumentation called, is it a fallacy?

I often encounter this type of argumentation in discussions about scientific discoveries with layman. For example when discussing GMO (genetically modified organisms) an argument that is often made is ...
CuriousIndeed's user avatar
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Refutation of a Nietzschanian Argument

Soon I will have to debate about Nietzsche and I have to contradict a thesis that he supported. The thesis is: The essence of a force is to be in relationship with other forces. I think this has to do ...
ASds's user avatar
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Are all non-deductive arguments inductive?

I am having troubles with understanding this question. Can someone give me an example/insight about where to go from here?
efe's user avatar
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How do you rebut the Argument from Ignorance?

Often when conspiracy theorists are told there's no evidence for their claims, they'll respond that "there's no evidence that my claim is untrue", falling back on the argument from ignorance. A priori ...
cph2117's user avatar
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Is this conditional donation morally permissible?

About a week ago, at the onset of the COVID-19 epidemic in Bulgaria, a Bulgarian entrepreneur (Ivaylo Penchev, founder of Walltopia), offered a conditional donation of medical ventilators to a state-...
the.real.gruycho's user avatar
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Is there a logical argument according to which at least some part of biology isn't scientific?

I have seldom came across the claim, generally in a humorous or ridiculing way, that Botany is "not a real science". My problem While I personally reject this claim, at least in the context of plant ...
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Is Such an Exhortation an Argument or Not?

Given the quotation: As much as you can, keep worldly life in your hand--not in your heart. That means when someone insults you, keep it out of your heart so it doesn't make you bitter or ...
Amber's user avatar
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Name of the argument fallacy when someone only attempts to refute one of your points?

I've never found out the name of this fallacy, or even if there is a name for it, but it seems to me it's the fallacy that occurs by far the most often. You are having a debate with someone and then ...
Hasen's user avatar
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Relationship between slippery slope and reductio ad absurdum

How should the [logical] relationship between the slippery slope [fallacy] and a reductio ad absurdum [argument] be characterized in order to succinctly capture their similarities and differences? ...
gonzo's user avatar
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What is wrong with these two conditionals?

Is it true that these two conditionals if A then B and if not-A then B cannot be both true? Example : "If I stay then I will eat fish" "If I didn't stay then I will eat fish" The reason I think ...
SmootQ's user avatar
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Analogy of Set and Subset and Contracts in abstracto and Marriage in concreto/in particular

I had a talk with a professor of family law and we are frequently told that there are general ordinances for contracts in general and particular ordinances for marriage. I am problematised by the ...
George Ntoulos's user avatar
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What is the difference between inductive and abductive reasoning? [duplicate]

I would deeply appreciate it if you would answer this question, since I do not know or understand exactly the difference between inductive reasoning and abductive reasoning, which is a problem for me ...
uehkjbk y84ydkjfnb's user avatar
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Where is the fallacy in Seth Yalcin's counterexample to the modus tollens?

Where is the fallacy, do you think, in Seth Yalcin’s argument (2012) that the Modus Tollens is not a generally valid form of argument? Seth Yalcin’s counterexample to the Modus Tollens (MT) https://...
Speakpigeon's user avatar
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Is this argument about the disjuncive syllogism valid and sound?

If some arguments of the form disjunctive syllogism have false premises, then some arguments with false premises are deductively valid. Some arguments of the form disjunctive syllogism have false ...
L0J0's user avatar
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7 answers

Is reductio ad absurdum a fallacy?

If Miles told Frank: “Copying a DVD is stealing” And Frank's response to Miles: “if copying a DVD is stealing, then, by that logic, taking a photo of someone is kidnapping” And Miles Response is: “...
Jesse Kapahua's user avatar
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better definition of induction

Consider this argument: I saw him hit the lady with a stone in the head. The lady will likely die. For me this is inductive argument. But I got impression some places define inductive argument such ...
george's user avatar
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Do inconsistent premises in an argument hurt a person's case while they try to defend something they believe in?

Do inconsistent premises in an argument hurt a person's case while they try to defend something they believe in because their statements contradict each other?
Jesse Kapahua's user avatar
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What are some non-traditional arguments for God's existence?

By traditional arguments, I mean argument widely and traditionally used for existence of God like: Cosmological argument, Teleological argument, Moral argument, Ontological argument, Pragmatic ...
Hare Krishna's user avatar
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Is there a logical fallacy to identity politics?

My understanding of Identity Politics goes as follows: A is a member of/identifies with group X B is not a member of/does not identify with group X A frames challenge S in terms of X Because B doesn’...
Xophmeister's user avatar
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Heraclitean, Parmenides, and Aristotelian change? Is there an alternative?

Dear philosophy stack exchange, I've been considering of late the problem of change as presented by Heraclities and Parmenides as well as the supposed solution to the problem by Aristotle himself. I ...
The victorious truther's user avatar
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Is it possible for an argument to be logically valid but not truth-functionally valid?

Truth-functionally valid: there is no truth value assignment for which the premises (of an argument) are true yet the conclusion is false. I am told that there are arguments which are logically valid ...
iyankv's user avatar
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Are Pathos, Logos, and Ethos equally valid?

The three main ways of reasoning are Pathos, Ethos, and Logos. I have tended to see Pathos as inferior to Ethos and Logos because it appears to rely more on emotions than on facts. But does it really ?...
Levi C. Olson's user avatar
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Is it true that an argument cannot be both inductive and cogent?

I have been asked a question in class where we would need to pick out the false statement from a given set of options. The problem is that I am not really sure why my answer was wrong? Here is the ...
Flavio Esposito's user avatar
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What is the name of the fallacy involving white and black swans?

If one argues: I have seen only white swans, therefore there are no black swans. What would this fallacy be called?
Himmators's user avatar
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Is there a philosophical term for an invalid argument based on extreme (and irrelevant) comparisons to Nazis?

I use Nazis as a catch-all for any systemic atrocity that egregiously violates human rights. I know the appeal is a false equivalence to Nazis and my argument. However, I notice that often times when ...
Jagthegr's user avatar
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Is this a logical fallacy or simply a bad argument?

In my English class today, we were talking about thesis statements. One of the students said that one of the thesis statements didn't sound right; its syntax sounded odd. However, my teacher said that ...
Haines's user avatar
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Which fallacy: Thinking everything someone does in a discussion that's wrong is a fallacy?

There are a lot of questions about which fallacy something is on this site. Many times, the argument in the question is not actually a fallacy, but something that the questioner doesn't like/agree ...
Josef's user avatar
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Fallacy or Just Flawed Thinking?

I am just wondering if a specific fallacy applies to this kind of situation. A experiences an event X, which we later note seems correlated with Y - but not causally. Upon telling A that X ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Help understanding deductive arguments

I am currently finding it hard to understand deductive arguments. I am taking a module called 'Effective Reasoning'. I've been finding it so hard to understand some things (as simple as this). I ...
Iva's user avatar
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