It appears to me that many people consider sexual assault worse than murder. For example,

  1. It seems generally acceptable to make jokes about murder, as long as their are no particularly graphic details. However, telling jokes about sexual assault is considered to be in poor taste.
  2. Many video games involve murdering. The Hitman series is all about murder, and it also happens to be a critically acclaimed game. On the other hand, as far as I can tell, there is no major video game franchise based on the idea of sexual assault. Sexual Assault elements in GTA were not received well.
  3. Most people seem to be fine with eating meat which necessarily involves slaughtering animals. On the other hand, beastiality seems to be frowned upon.
  4. Some people seem to think that rapists should be given the death penalty, suggesting that they think that rape is at least as severe (although not necessarily more) as murder.

The above are just observations. I am trying to understand if the behavior of the people are grounded in good philosophical reasoning.

Should sexual assault be considered worse than murder? What is the philosophical basis for the judgement that sexual assault is worse than murder?

(Please stop Closing this as "opinion-based". I am not asking, "In your opinion, would you agree that sexual assault is worse?". I am asking "Is there philosophical justification to do so?")

  • 3
    Possibly murder is less relatable. Also, the murdered person is not around to feel bad about the jokes.
    – Scott Rowe
    Commented Jun 1 at 23:04
  • 1
    everyone dies? rape as a weapon of war (is a human rights issue). sexuality makes us human. etc.
    – andrós
    Commented Jun 1 at 23:20
  • 3
    This is more about psychology than philosophy. Commented Jun 2 at 0:50
  • 2
    It's cultural. In the ancient world a man who forcibly took a thousand «wives» was considered a real man. The modern «liberal» west: If murder were genuinely punishable Nobel «peace» winners would hang.
    – Rushi
    Commented Jun 2 at 3:06
  • 3
    Why is this closed? It seems like a very legitimate philosophical question to determine the moral ranking of two things Commented Jun 2 at 12:20

2 Answers 2


I personally agree that there should be no question that murder is worse than rape. Deep down most people really agree. Even women. Simple proof. More women submit to rapists pointing guns at them than choose to be murdered by them.

That said, it is treated in many ways worse than murder. There is no murder registry for murderers who were released from jail like there is a sex offenders registry. Unless a murder was done in a gruesome manner a guy who was in a fight with his neighbor and murdered him in a fit of rage would not be treated with the same revulsion as someone who raped his neighbor in a drunken stupor by most people.

The reason may be that no one survives a murder. The victim is gone and can no longer speak up for himself. Conversely a rape survivor is still alive and dealing with the emotional pain afterwards. As such there are rape victims advocating so that others should not share their fate. They bring into the public conscious the pain they feel as a result of being a victim of that crime. Murder victims rarely have anyone speaking up them afterwards. There are no murder survivor groups lobbying for murder victims and bringing their pain to the public conscious. As such it doesn't have the emotional place in society that rape does

  • mind you, if you put a gun to my head and threatened to rape my child in front me of me... it's the same ballpark, and the question is extremely weird (another chat gpt question about the prudishness of sexual assault victims?)
    – andrós
    Commented Jun 2 at 2:15
  • i don't consider your example as proof of wrongness, rather than proof of badness, or some similar term. cp i would take 15 years off my own life to avoid my rape, and be willing to kill a sizeable number of assailants (probably less than 20)
    – andrós
    Commented Jun 2 at 3:00
  • I agree with your answer normatively. But not descriptively. Speaking factually, positions like this are inconsistent unless one takes an explicitly pacifist stand re. wars. Nevertheless I dont consider inconsistency in ethical matters to be a big issue. So upvoted. Trouble is everyone is pacifist... except when it comes to their favorite enemies!!
    – Rushi
    Commented Jun 2 at 7:39
  • Mothers Against Drunk Driving and similar groups essentially speak up for 'murder' victims.
    – Scott Rowe
    Commented Jun 2 at 12:19
  • 1
    @andrós: Killing a rapist is not the same as killing an innocent person, and so can't be compared to raping an innocent person. Your comment in fact supports this post, since you are only willing to take 15 yr off your own life in exchange for not being raped, so presumably you consider suffering from rape to be roughly equivalent to losing 15 yr of your life, not your whole life.
    – user21820
    Commented Jun 25 at 10:37

I don't know that it is seen as worse, but if so one may consider these as possible reasons:

  • death = done. Victim is gone and forevermore unaware. Game over for them.

  • rape = violation. Victim lives remainder of life able to remember being violated. Lives knowing you may again be violated. Knowing violation can and does occur. It's real. Not talk. Lives in possible fear. Possible misery or fear or depression. Obsession with past. A changed, different person with a different look in their eyes.

That may be why. The individual goes from liking and believing in justice and safety and goodness... to knowing the world isnt always fair and people aint all good. A much darker reality to live with.

Some see death as peaceful.

(Some think its not the end, but we aren't going to entertain that here).

  • If you consider the general case of jokes about death, it's in a quite different category, because death happens to us all. So we make light of it with jokes – when appropriate, but joking about death in the presence of someone who has recently lost a loved one is highly insensitive. Commented Jun 3 at 17:39

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