The expression ∀x(ϕx → ψx) is supposed to mean that, in Russell's parlance, ϕx → ψx is true "for all values of x". However, what are those values that Russell is referring to?

At some point in a now distant past, all mathematicians would have probably happily subscribed to the idea that if x is a number, then x² is positive or null. Russell himself would have said that "x is a number" implies "x ≥ 0" for all values of x. Yet, after mathematicians decided that it was acceptable to say that there is a number i such that i² = -1, the expression ∀x("x is a number" → x ≥ 0) is no longer true.

I suppose that this sort of problem is solved by the notion of domain, whereby one can specify in advance that x belongs to some restrictive set of values, for example, in this case, ℕ. If the domain is ℕ, then "x is a number" implies "x ≥ 0" for all values of x if only because for all values of x now means "for all values of x in the domain", which means in this case x ∈ ℕ.

Thank you to correct me if I am wrong there.

Still, I couldn't find where Russell would have introduced the notion of domain as it is now defined in all mathematics textbooks. So, my question is:

Did Russell had something like the notion of domain in the sense defined now by mathematics textbooks?

Thank you for any scholarly references.

  • Eventually, forall n in N, P is just short-hand for forall n, n in N -> P. Namely, quantification in the underlying language (e.g. FOL) is not restricted: quantified variables simply range over all possible individuals (individual constants). Commented Apr 30 at 9:26
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    Russell in 1903 (page 97) used domain of a relation in the modern sense: "It is to be held that to have a given relation to a given term is a predicate, so that all terms having this relation to this term form a class. It is to be held further that to have a given relation at all is a predicate, so that all referents with respect to a given relation form a class. It follows, by considering the converse relation, that all relata also form a class. These two classes I shall call respectively the domain and the converse domain of the relation." But I suppose that this is not what you need... Commented Apr 30 at 9:32
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    @MauroALLEGRANZA That's it! Thanks. At least we can count on BR to explain himself. Commented Apr 30 at 10:25
  • @Julio Di Egidio "for all n in N, P is just short-hand for for all n, n in N -> P." Sure. - 2. "quantified variables simply range over all possible individuals (individual constants)" Well, that doesn't tell us what exactly are all those possible individuals. Commented Apr 30 at 10:30
  • "that doesn't tell us what exactly are all those possible individuals": sure it does, it's in the definition of the language itself, just a formal notion as such. See e.g. here: Predicate (mathematical logic) - WP Commented Apr 30 at 10:33

1 Answer 1


We can see Rusell's Theory of Types sketched into Appendix B of Principles (1903) and fully described in Mathematical Logic as Based on the Theory of Types (1908).

See III. The Meaning and Range of Generalized Propositions, page 233:

"all men are mortal " will mean " if x is a man, x is mortal, where x may have any value within a certain range." "Hence the values of x must be somehow restricted within some legitimate totality. This seems to lead us to the traditional doctrine of a "universe of discourse" within which x must be supposed to lie. [...] it follows that the function "if x is a man, x is mortal" must have a certain range of significance".

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    Thanks, excellent! Commented May 6 at 16:28

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