Are ideas mind independent, and if so what sort of ideas?

So did the idea I have of this table exist before I thought about the table? What about the idea of a warp drive or a mutriplot, a device that prevents spaceships from becoming stars whenever the speed of light is greater than infinity (that could be physically impossible: I just wanted an example of an invention that no-one has conceived of before).

Usually we think of physical things being mind independent.

  • 1
    Ideas are nothing but mental activities which are formed by the mind as things qualified with thinking and comprehended in function finite or infinite by the intellect, and the usually construed mind independent true idea contained in the intellect in representation must necessarily be granted in nature as its ideatum... Commented Apr 6 at 4:00
  • 1
    Plato thought so, as did Frege and Popper more recently:"The objective thought content is that which remains invariant in a reasonably good translation." The question is controversial since the middle ages when it was known as the problem of universals:"Universals are a class of mind-independent entities, usually contrasted with individuals (or so-called “particulars”), postulated to ground and explain relations of qualitative identity and resemblance".
    – Conifold
    Commented Apr 6 at 5:01
  • the question might be a bit broad
    – andrós
    Commented Apr 6 at 5:09
  • 1
    Indeed the idea in your above self-commented conclusion might be mind independent since no upvotes for your post despite 2 welcomed comments so far objectively speaking... Commented Apr 6 at 5:21
  • The works of Shakespeare, propositions, etc as mind independent have supporters, even inconsistent ideas like in really full-blooded platonism. Multitudes of mind independent ideas is appealing in part because it solves the dilemma of how humans can think of them if they are independent (Benacerraf’s dilemma). If there are so many, we can’t miss them with our thoughts.
    – J Kusin
    Commented Apr 6 at 6:57

1 Answer 1


Electrons are one of the oldest “species” in the universe. They existed long before any species with intelligent minds.

But to assume that the idea of an electron also existed before the existence of intelligent minds: To support this hypothesis requires more explanatory power than the hypothesis subsequently provides.

Nevertheless the hypothesis of mind independent ideas is stated by Plato and by all theists who locate the blueprint of our world in the mind of a world creator.

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