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8 votes

"Go see veterinarians" as a close reason?

Closing with "go see a vet" is not a valid reason to close. is a global resource, not everyone has access to a vet. There is nothing wrong with encouraging the question asker to see ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
6 votes

"Go see veterinarians" as a close reason?

It depends on the quality of the question. My pet is injured, what should I do? If the obviously only viable answer is "go see a vet" then we should close the question. The help center ...
Elmy's user avatar
  • 33.2k
5 votes

I wanna ask this question and I am not sure, if it fits the site's guidelines

This is absolutely a fine question to ask on Pets. Please ask it over on the main site. I'm sorry that you are worried that your question may be downvoted, but I highly doubt this will be. Question ...
Harry V.'s user avatar
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4 votes

New tag literature

I have to be honest, I don't think the intention of the site is really to address the question of fictional characters and their behaviors unless you can really draw a correlation to real pets such as ...
Joanne C's user avatar
  • 20.4k
4 votes

Why was the question about Conan the dog put on hold as POB?

What if everyone needs their dog's gender identifying? In my opinion, the thing to remember is what our goal is on Pets Stack Exchange. We're trying to build a repository of question and answers that ...
Henders's user avatar
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3 votes

I wanna ask this question and I am not sure, if it fits the site's guidelines

I think this question fits in the site guidelines and personally I will support it with an upvote if you post it, I think it's really interesting. It also shows a lot of effort on your side, as ...
lila's user avatar
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3 votes

Are questions asking for how to treat pets with vet treatments, e.g. medicines, on topic?

The reality is that antibiotics can be purchased in the US at farm supply stores relatively inexpensively no vet visit is required. The US has fairly tight drug controls, in some other countries ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
3 votes

Product identification: should it be allowed?

The main arguments against this are twofold - firstly, questions of this sort are unlikely to be useful to anyone else. It's pretty close to the textbook shopping question, and even if someone wanted ...
Journeyman Geek's user avatar
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2 votes

Are questions asking for how to treat pets with vet treatments, e.g. medicines, on topic?

Agree with James that since antibiotics are available commonly, we shouldn't necessarily refuse to answer questions about them. I also appreciate that the answers in the linked question addressed ...
Zaralynda's user avatar
  • 20.2k
1 vote

"Go see veterinarians" as a close reason?

New custom close reason has been recently added to the list and is now accessible for use. It is available in the closure menu; please follow these steps to access it: "Close" "A ...
lila's user avatar
  • 210
1 vote

Product identification: should it be allowed?

Each question to the site needs to stand on its own and fall into the scope of questions for Pets SE. There are a range of good and bad ways to ask a question. With your help, we're working together ...
James Jenkins's user avatar
1 vote

New tag literature

Drawing on three basic concepts, leads me to believe "That questions about fictional animal characters that otherwise relate to topics in scope at pets be included as in scope." Fiction impacts ...
James Jenkins's user avatar

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