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Questions tagged [animal-interaction]

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4 votes
4 answers

2 years old toddler hurts the dog

I have a 2 years old toddler and older dog Miko. From some time toddler is pinching/sliming the dog. Miko is human friendly - don't bite, don't growl but just squeak. We told to son than he can't do ...
Michu93's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to accustom a 10 month old baby to interacting with pets?

We have a 10-month old baby and two cats. One cat is very friendly and the other aloof. We have had cats longer than baby. Our daughter can now crawl and pick objects up--so she is eager to engage ...
Isabella Leonarda's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I make my girlfriend's 4 year old stop hurting my dog?

I'm the boyfriend of a now 4 year old's mother and I have been in the little boy's life for about 2 years. We have a good bond, although I don't live with them and see them 2 weeks every 4. My ex and ...
chirst147's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why does my 16 month old daughter cry when we imitate animal sounds?

My daughter is a very curious, interested, and active young girl. She loves animals whether they're in a picture book or real life. She goes nuts when she sees them or hears them (in real life). Some ...
Matthias Mohr's user avatar
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Encouraging the love for dinosaurs in 3 years old

My son is three years old and he is an extreme fan of dinosaurs. He managed to remember the name of most of them by listening to his teachers in day care and watching cartoons. I know this is most ...
Samiron's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

How to help a 14-year-old recognize reckless, destructive behavior as such and take it seriously after partially blinding our dog?

Our 14-year-old is a great kid. No joke. He causes very little issues for us. Lately though, he has simply turned reckless in his behavior at times. I have attributed this change to the fact that he ...
Chris Johnson's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Young kids and other people's dogs

I have a five-year-old son. Quite often when we're walking in the countryside a puppy of a big breed will come running up to him and try to jump up and often end up knocking him over and/or scratching ...
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12 votes
4 answers

How to discourage my 3-year-old from intentionally squishing bugs?

I have a just under 3-year-old girl. We spend a lot of time outside exploring nature. Often I'll pick up a bug and after she agrees to be gentle with it, I'll give it to her. She'll play with it for ...
guest's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

At what age do childen develop empathy?

My son is 18 months old. He finds it hilarious to make our cats howl by pulling their tails. I try to discourage this by firmly saying "no" and "do not pull tails" until he stops (which he quickly ...
Kevin Krumwiede's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What are some better ways to teach empathy when taking kids to the zoo?

This question was prompted by a prior question where the OP happened to mention that they found zoos depressing but didn't want to tell their kids. I felt the same way as well, yet like other parents, ...
anongoodnurse's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What are good approaches to lessen fear of insects in a child?

One of my kids is extremely frightened of bugs. As in, if there's a fly/mosquito/bee in the room - far away from her - she will freeze up and refuse to move. If she's in small proximity, she gets uber-...
user3143's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I help my 2.5-year-old better love his dog?

My 2.5-year-old seems to be relatively indifferent to our dog. I want him to learn to care for him and help him learn empathy and respect through having a dog. Any thoughts on tactics I can use to ...
Susan Daniels's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How to teach children the difference between pets and vermin?

My 16 month old daughter just witnessed her grandmother chasing and proceeding to bash a mouse to death. My daughter was within 4 feet of the death site. She was pretty shocked and asked to pacify ...
Rhea's user avatar
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5 answers

How can I teach my toddler to ride a pony she's scared of?

This weekend I took my 3yo daughter for a pony ride. She is very independent and social-able kid and I expected there would be no problem, but she had refused to sit on the pony because were very ...
Andrew's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

How do I teach my toddler not to abuse animals?

We have two dogs and two cats, and our son loves to interact with them, but his form of interacting is not particularly enjoyable to the animals... Some of the things he does are just annoying, like ...
JLZenor's user avatar
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