I was skinning into a yurt last weekend with my regular downhill (telemark) skis. On the way back out, I noticed a lot more snow sticking to my skis... Granted, the weather was hot, and snow was sticky - but it made me wonder:

Does the stickum on skins either remove the glide wax or leave a sticky residue I should be concerned about? And if so, how do I remove/mitigate?

1 Answer 1


Having snow stick to the bottom of touring or telemark skis after removing skins is a common occurrence. You can mitigate it by bringing some glide wax with your or by using a liquid or spray. I keep a little a glide wax that looks like underarm deodorant in the bottom of my avy pack just for this purpose.

  • Interesting... So are the skins removing the wax on the base, or is it leaving stickum behind? I assume the former based on your answer.
    – Lost
    Commented Mar 26, 2013 at 20:33
  • @LBell the skins leave sticky adhesive behind.
    – furtive
    Commented Mar 28, 2013 at 1:39

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