How to increase the accuracy magnetic compass? Is there a good way using multiple ones?

I searched the Internet and Philip Werner suggested at Section Hiker web:

  • use the most current declination data for an area
  • use a declination adjustable compass (e.g., the Suunto M3 or Silva Ranger)
  • stay clear of iron/steel and electrical sources

This is with one compass. How about with multiple compasses? Sometimes, we used multiple sensors to increase accuracy (magnetic North) by compensating each other:

I again searched the Internet, and the torque on each needle would be influenced by the other needle but not great amount by Simon Bridge at Quora.

I especially think about in the ocean or cave (I got an idea from the JPhi's question: Compass Working Underground?).

Regarding location of compass, for example Tesla car equipped with numerous optical cameras in left, right, top, front, back and etc. I am considering several compasses in various locations of the submarine or the cave exporting drone.

  • 5
    How much accuracy do you need and what for? In my experience, the hard part is following a compass course. Be it due to waves, gusts and drifts while sailing or crevasses on a glacier. If you get +-5 degrees, that is already pretty good. In a cave, that would be even worse, as the cave limits where you can go.
    – Manziel
    Commented Apr 19 at 6:38
  • 3
    On the topic of multiple compasses, I would not expect to give any meaningful improvement. The problems with a compass are external influences, not the compass itself deviating by a single degree
    – Manziel
    Commented Apr 19 at 6:40
  • 2
    I wonder if you should clarify something: The ability of a compass to accurately align with magnetic north, versus your ability to correct magnetic north to true north? You mention them both but they are separate issues...
    – Martin F
    Commented Apr 22 at 19:19
  • 1
    Also, maybe you can expand upon "we used multiple sensors to increase accuracy by compensating each other." If that is true, can you go into more detail?
    – Martin F
    Commented Apr 22 at 19:21
  • 1
    @CloudCho In that case Kalman filtering might work, but I still don't see that the tolerances of the equipment don't play into that equation - I'm no mathematician of any sort, but the uncertainty in the reading definitely looks like it plays into the calculation. In addition, why use multiple if using Kalman filtering, it would abrogate the need for multiple readings surely; wouldn't you be better off with sequential readings from one? After all, ships still only contain 1 (that I know of, also not an expert) which is compared to a gyrocompass regularly.
    – bob1
    Commented Apr 25 at 1:11


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